Nov 08, 2012 21:53

This year I decided to participate with GISHWHES, after much doubt. But I didn't regret it, 'cause I ended up in an awesome team, and got to do some weird, but creative things. :D And now that GISHWHES is over, I can share what I made with you. :D

Item 35: Draw or paint a portrait of Misha Collins and the Queen of England, both dressed in Steampunk, riding on a single stallion. )

supernatural, jensen ackles, randomness, drawings, creative, art, gishwhes, fandom, painting

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Comments 22

cassiopeia7 November 8 2012, 21:03:13 UTC
Yeah, you're insane. ;) Love them all, but especially Miss Jean Louis and her pretty ball gown, the wickedly grinning tangerine, and your gorgeous stallion. That is one purdy horse!


sillie82 November 8 2012, 22:41:10 UTC
Heh, I try to hide it, but yeah. :P Heee, thanks! Glad you like it. :D


borgmama1of5 November 8 2012, 21:09:09 UTC
Your Queen and Misha pic is fabulous! I want to see more of your art!

And I don't know who Miss Jean Louis is, but I LOL'd anyway!


katwoman76 November 8 2012, 21:53:12 UTC
Miss Jean Louis
is Advisor (a.k.a "babysitter") to Misha Collins
in all things GISHWHES


sillie82 November 8 2012, 22:42:29 UTC
Yup. :D :D


sillie82 November 8 2012, 22:42:12 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'll be posting my ReverseBang art soon, so there should be more in the future. :)


beelikej November 8 2012, 21:53:04 UTC
It's all AWESOME! I like that you worked with different media! Love your Rhino and Misha's steampunk outfit is marvelous, as is the Queen's hat:) Bet that was tough: looking at Jensen's face all that time *g*. Did the skittles not have a chemical reaction with the glue? What is it with these people and kale? (I have fond memories of my kale chandelier:)


sillie82 November 8 2012, 22:45:47 UTC
Thank you! :D It was really fun to do all the different things. Haha, yes, it was a real chore, having to look at that face the whole time. :'P I wasn't sure if I should glue the Skittles down or not, but I was afraid it would all shift around before I was ready, so in the end I decided to glue. Used a glue-gun and thankfully it all went fine. :)
I wish I knew what was up with the kale! :')


maichan November 8 2012, 23:42:52 UTC
LOL, love the Skittles portrait and jack-o-lantern especially.


sillie82 November 11 2012, 21:34:56 UTC
I had a lot of fun making those. I'm glad you like them. :D


sylvia_locust November 9 2012, 00:10:22 UTC
Those were amazing! I was cracking up at his suggestions, and then around about the pumpkin I was marvelling at your skill with so many different media. (Assuming pumpkin carving is a recognized medium in the art community? :)

Also, the tangerine stuck on the rhino horn was one of the cutest things ever.


sillie82 November 11 2012, 21:36:29 UTC
The list with items was insane. I must admit at cracking up several times, and then wondering how the hell we where supposed to do them. :') But I had a great time, and we actually managed to do quite a lot.

Thank you! I'm so glad you like it all. I had a blast making it all. :D


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