Nov 08, 2012 21:53

This year I decided to participate with GISHWHES, after much doubt. But I didn't regret it, 'cause I ended up in an awesome team, and got to do some weird, but creative things. :D And now that GISHWHES is over, I can share what I made with you. :D

Item 35: Draw or paint a portrait of Misha Collins and the Queen of England, both dressed in Steampunk, riding on a single stallion.

Item 40: Create a portrait of Jensen Ackles entirely out of skittles doing his pouty "Blue Steel" look. Must be AT LEAST 2 feet by 2 feet.


Item 53: Carve a Jill O'Lantern! Carve a pumpkin to look like a feminized Misha Collins. Bonus points for realism.

Item 78: A one-page GISHWHES comic strip involving a rhinoceros, a tangerine, and an appendectomy.

Item 149: Draw or paint a picture of Miss Jean Louis riding a school bus like a horse as it flies off a cliff into a volcano. There can be no passengers and she must have a dialogue bubble above her head that says something she would definitely say at this moment.


supernatural, jensen ackles, randomness, drawings, creative, art, gishwhes, fandom, painting

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