Meme time!

Aug 07, 2012 20:59

1. Comment on this post with "MEEEEEE!"
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your IJ/LJ/DW.
beelikej gave me an J.

I actually had to think really hard to come up with 5 characters, but in the end, I managed. I'm probably forgetting the most obvious ones though. :')

[Five Fictional Favorites]Read more... )

csi, supernatural, pictures, criminal minds, meme

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Comments 18

sheryden August 7 2012, 19:18:57 UTC


sillie82 August 7 2012, 20:40:22 UTC
Yaay! I'm giving you aaaan... N!


beelikej August 7 2012, 20:40:06 UTC
JDM! Jody Mills! Jim Brass! Awesome choices over all:) (I'm following Kim Rhodes' blog, she's such a cool woman *crushes*)

I haven't read that many fics yet either, but I just finished The Dignity of Dragons which is a Gen fic, so I would have ignored it had not someone else been raving about it when I asked for good writing. I'm not sure if it will satisfy your need for Jensen, as he is a itty bitty dragon. But it's a wonderful, sweet and exciting story full of rich details. It all starts when Jared's dog Haley finds a wounded dragon...

For more human-Jensen stories, check my BBreclists or I can send you a list by mail, including ones to avoid?:)


sillie82 August 7 2012, 20:43:26 UTC
Kim Rhodes is awesome. <3

Ooh, it sounds like something I might enjoy. I'll definitely go check it out.

I checked out your reclist, but it doesn't really help me for the things I want to avoid, so a mail would be awesome. :D


beelikej August 7 2012, 20:47:11 UTC
I'll make you a list (I have to check for some of your squicks, because we're not quite on the same wavelenght on some issues *grins*)

I forgot to mention that the story I mentioned above also has the most adorable Rob Benedict!


sillie82 August 7 2012, 21:21:40 UTC
Awesome. Take your time! (Heh, I know. I don't know why I'm so picky, but some things give me the shivers in all the wrong ways. D:)

Adgh, adorable Rob Benedict really makes me want to read it! :D :D


sbslink August 7 2012, 21:04:12 UTC
MEEEEEE! ?? I might just try if I can find enough :p


sillie82 August 7 2012, 21:22:32 UTC
Yay! And if you can't think of any with the letter I give you now, I can always give you something else. For now, I give you an.... S!


darktwinkle August 7 2012, 21:19:50 UTC
I'll play! letter me please :P

Brass!! you've gotta love Brass. Being reminded about him makes me want to dig out all my old CSI dvd's...I sense an epic re-watch coming on :)


sillie82 August 7 2012, 21:23:15 UTC
Yay! I'll give you a... P!

Brass is so awesome. <3 Haha, have fun! :D


darktwinkle August 7 2012, 21:35:51 UTC
P huh? thats...really rather tricky, it's gunna give me something to think about at work tomorrow :)

whoo LJ helped me find my first 'P' *points to icon* 4 more to go :P


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