Meme time!

Aug 07, 2012 20:59

1. Comment on this post with "MEEEEEE!"
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your IJ/LJ/DW.
beelikej gave me an J.

I actually had to think really hard to come up with 5 characters, but in the end, I managed. I'm probably forgetting the most obvious ones though. :')

[Five Fictional Favorites]
John Winchester

John Winchester. One of the reasons I picked him is because he gets played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (yum). Another reason is because he's a fascinating character. I have a bit of a love/ hate relationship with him. 'Cause I get why he lived his life the way he did after Mary died. But I also kind of hate what he did to Dean (and Sam).

Jim Brass
[CSI: Crime Scene Investigation]

Detective Jim Brass. Man, did I hate him in the first few episodes of CSI, but god, do I love him now. He's so snarky and funny and awesome. I really can't imagine CSI without him anymore. <3

Jo Harvelle

Aww, Jo. I liked her, and I was really sad to see her go. But man, did she and Ellen go out kicking ass. <3

Jody Mills

I love sheriff Jody Mills. Talk about a kick-ass woman. I loved the relationship she had with Bobby, and the relationship she has with the boys. I really hope to see her again in season 8.

Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau
[Criminal Minds]

Yes, JJ. Love, love, love her. First she was a kick-ass liaison, and now she's a kick-ass Special Agent. I was really sad when she had to leave the team in season 6. I was so, so glad when we got her back in season 7. :)

And then I have a question/request for my awesome flist. Due to work being really busy right now, I haven't had time to read anything from the spn_j2_bigbang yet. I did keep up with the artposts though! \o/ Anyway, I'm planning on reading some tomorrow and/or Friday, but I don't really know where to start. :') I need some recs! I am a bit of a picky reader though. There are some things I don't and/or can't read. So please no death!fic, bottom!Jared/Sam, woobie!Jared/Sam, Castiel/Dean , asshole!Jensen or fic that doesn't contain Jensen/Dean. I know, I know, I'm not making it easy, but if you have an awesome fic that doesn't contain what I just mentioned, let me know!

csi, supernatural, pictures, criminal minds, meme

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