Pictures, lots of pictures.

Jul 25, 2010 21:14

So uh, yeah. I'm still alive. :'3 I know I've hardly been posting lately, and I totally blame the BigBang for that. XD Anyway, here I am with an update. Lots of pictures of what's been happening the last few weeks.

But first! I happy belated birthday to carolinecrane, and a happy birthday to jamesinboots! *confetti*

So, pictures.

Amsterdam shopping loot. )

clothing, pictures, birthday wishes, hair, make-up, shopping, animals, pets

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Comments 8

beelikej July 25 2010, 20:09:10 UTC
Miss Piggy button FTW! Good loot:)

Also: LOOKIT! You are totally taller than Jared \o/

Love the hair, bb.


sillie82 July 26 2010, 14:02:48 UTC
Yay! Miss Piggy! :D

Whoo, Jared's totally a midget! :D:D

Thaaank you.


jamesinboots July 25 2010, 21:06:17 UTC
Hey you!! I just opened your card - I got it a day or two ago and was saving it for today and I am in awe of the bookmark thingie omg it is delightful. *clutch it*



sillie82 July 26 2010, 14:03:23 UTC
Whoo, glad you like. :D


tanisafan July 25 2010, 21:32:04 UTC
Omigosh, your little puppy. I bet he can fit in your pocket when he's wet! I'm very jealous of your beach trip, by the way :D. I haven't gone in aages.


sillie82 July 26 2010, 14:05:43 UTC
Man, considering I live only about 20/30 minutes away from the beach, I really should go there more often...


blackbirdj2 July 26 2010, 08:39:05 UTC
Wow, your hair is sooooooooooooo long! O_o


sillie82 July 26 2010, 14:06:19 UTC
Isn't it just? *beam* :D


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