Pictures, lots of pictures.

Jul 25, 2010 21:14

So uh, yeah. I'm still alive. :'3 I know I've hardly been posting lately, and I totally blame the BigBang for that. XD Anyway, here I am with an update. Lots of pictures of what's been happening the last few weeks.

But first! I happy belated birthday to carolinecrane, and a happy birthday to jamesinboots! *confetti*

So, pictures.

Went shopping in Amsterdam with my sister a few weeks back. The weather was really nice, if not a bit hot, and we both succeeded in buying things we wanted to have. Have a look at my loot:

We took the dog to the beach not long ago. After 7 in the evening, dogs are allowed of the leash on the beach, and we were all curious how Misha would react to the sand and sea. Well, he liked it. XD I made some movies as well, and I might upload them to Youtube later. For now, pictures.

My mom, sister, Misha and another dog.

Misha running in and out of the waves. The idiot tried to drink seawater though. >__>

When Misha gets wet, there's not much left of him. XD

Little water rat. :'3

Like I said, when Misha gets wet, there's not much left of him. :'3

After a bath, Misha's always feeling pretty sorry for himself. Bathtime is definitely not his favorite.

In the basket.

Kitty! <3

Growing nice and long. <3

New shirt. Led Zeppelin! \m/




So, how are you all doing?

clothing, pictures, birthday wishes, hair, make-up, shopping, animals, pets

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