About snail mail, bookmarks and computers

Oct 19, 2009 19:17

* Finished writing and mailing the letters I promised in this post. So if you voted in the poll, and you haven't had a letter yet, it's coming your way. :D

* I also finished with my 'Pay it Forward' presents, and send them off at the beginning of this month. I made bookmarks. I think they look pretty awesome, actually. :'3 I know two of them made ( Read more... )

mail, art, computer

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Comments 10

darktwinkle October 19 2009, 17:43:31 UTC
Wow those bookmarks are ace :P

Didn't realise you were chasing a laptop - I bought one at the start of this year, mines HP and its still working well, it runs photoshop (though I hardly ever use it) along with the general internet surfing, watching video files, playing music etc
~ in short I can recomend HP, though it may depens on the specific's (mainly the processor) you get/need, I have some basic computer knowledge but no nothing of windows 7 :)


sillie82 October 24 2009, 02:12:47 UTC
Thank you! :D

Well, I just started to seriously look for one this month, so I haven't been looking for long. What kind of HP do you have? *curious*


darktwinkle October 24 2009, 11:27:35 UTC
The model number is FM180EA/G7095EM I think its been discontinued so theres no online information about it.

When I was looking for one I got a mate (who works with computers) to tell me what to keep an eye out for, he said ~ any processor besides celeron (thats a slow one)hard drive of 160gb+ and if I was wanting to run photoshop I needed a RAM of 2gb or higher.


sillie82 October 26 2009, 09:42:56 UTC
Ah, okay.

Thanks! I'll definitely write that down. :3


tanisafan October 19 2009, 22:04:37 UTC
Got my letter, and my tea! Sadly I had to go out tonight so haven't tried it out just yet, but it's penciled in for tomorrow ;) and I will definitely let you know! Thanks!!


sillie82 October 24 2009, 02:13:20 UTC
Glad you got the letter! Curious what you think about the tea. :P You're welcome. :D


pekover October 19 2009, 22:24:20 UTC
Re. laptops - my main advice would be to pay extra for the better battery. I didn't, because I thought I'd mostly be working near a power source, but there have been NUMEROUS times when that hasn't been the case (partly b/c I live in the country and the power goes out a lot, but also just...because!), and it's a total pain to only have 45 minutes or so of battery life.


sillie82 October 24 2009, 02:13:48 UTC
Oh, good one. Thanks for the advice. :D


aprilmay430 October 20 2009, 03:01:48 UTC
I got your letter on Thursday - thanks! It really brightened up my day. :-) (And, yes, I am getting to watch the new CSI episodes and so far I really love this season.)

From what I've read, it sounds like Windows 7 is a lot better than Vista, so if you can wait, you probably should. (I was actually planning on doing that myself, but then my old computer died on me so I couldn't. Oh, well.)


sillie82 October 24 2009, 02:15:18 UTC
Awesome, I'm glad you got it and that it could do that for you. Hee, good to know. :3 I've only seen the first episode so far, but I will be catchign up next weekend.

Alright, I think I'll wait and see then. I don't really know what I want to buy yet anyway, so that shouldn't be a problem. :3


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