About snail mail, bookmarks and computers

Oct 19, 2009 19:17

* Finished writing and mailing the letters I promised in this post. So if you voted in the poll, and you haven't had a letter yet, it's coming your way. :D

* I also finished with my 'Pay it Forward' presents, and send them off at the beginning of this month. I made bookmarks. I think they look pretty awesome, actually. :'3 I know two of them made it to their destination, now I'm crossing my fingers and hoping the other two will make it there in one piece too.

* On the 'buying a laptop' front... I'm not sure if I'm making any progress. I know I want a HP, but that's as far as I've come. I mean, there are so many different ones, and I'm really not sure what I have to look out for. I now what I want with it. I'll probably mostly be surfing the web, and watching my shows. And I want to mess around with Photoshop. I just... *flails* And now there's also Windows 7. It apparently comes out this week, but I'm not sure I should get a laptop with this new version of Windows, or if I should stick with Vista for now. Argh. I'm probably making a bigger deal out of this then I should, but buying a laptop is kind of a big deal for me.

I just want one that won't disappoint me and will last me a long time. D: D: D:

* Anyway... I need to cook dinner.

mail, art, computer

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