Updating = hard

Sep 25, 2009 15:55

* So yeah... still bad at updating. But now it has partially to do with my new job, and the fact that I have less time on the internet than I had. Me thinks it's time for my own laptop. And hey! I have the money to pay for one too now. :'3 Any suggestions of brands that are good ( Read more... )

supernatural, work, hair, computer, randomness, personal

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Comments 6

tanisafan September 25 2009, 22:01:56 UTC
I know how it feels to be so busy with work *sadface*. And I think Claire's only has plastic hairsticks, but I work next to one so I can totes go check that out for you if you like :p.

Haven't see SPN yet, don't have time, ohnoes! *flail*


sillie82 September 26 2009, 17:15:47 UTC
Ugh... Yeah. And the stupid thing is, I usually only work three days a week, so logically, there should be time somewhere, yeah?
Yeah, I'm afraid they only have plastic ones too, but it doesn't hurt to check it out. If it's not to much trouble... thanks. :3

Ohnoes!! When you do find the time, WATCH IT! *flails around some more*


aprilmay430 September 25 2009, 23:47:06 UTC
I know what you mean about work, especially since I've been working so many extra hours. ::sigh::

I don't know how their laptops are, but I've had my Dell computer for four months now, and I still love it.


sillie82 September 26 2009, 17:17:47 UTC
The stupid thing is, I usually only work three days a week, so logically, there should be time somewhere, yeah? Time management = not my strongest point at the moment.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. :3


beelikej September 26 2009, 19:06:41 UTC
I have an HP laptop, got a great deal on it and it came with an official version of Vista. I only have it for emergencies though, I can't imagine working on a laptop all the time, I prefer a proper keyboard and screen;)

I'm so happy that you like your work, I think it's a really good thing for you to discover something you love and get paid for it;) I'm sure you will manage to find time for fun free time once you get adjusted.

I put Claire's on the list, I trust you know where to find that shop? I have a map of the elephants, we will be all over town:)

I'm still not watching SPN, but we need to squee about the convention(s), because I'm falling more and more in love with those guys. (That whole messing about with the coffeelids? Jeebus)
Also: I hope you have watched CSI when we meet, because I need to squee about that too.


sillie82 September 26 2009, 21:08:49 UTC
I was actually thinking of getting and HP one as well. Yeah, eventually, I want a desktop as well, but as long as I'm still living at home, a laptop it will be. There's just no room to put down another desktop, plus I like sitting in the living room. :3

Oh man, I'm so, so relieved I like what I'm doing right now. It was one of my biggest fears, that I wouldn't like this either and had to think of another thing I could do. And I'm pretty sure I will too. :3

Cool, yeah, I know where it is. Actually, there are two (you know how Amsterdam is XD), but I know where to find them. Heh, I'll make sure to wear comfortable shoes then. :'3

I know right? It almost isn't funny anymore how much I adore them. (The cofeelids!! *melts on the spot*)
I'll make sure to watch the episode before saturday, so I'll be ready for squeeage. *nods* :D

[Edited, because apparently, I can't spell today. >__>'']


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