Updating = hard

Sep 25, 2009 15:55

* So yeah... still bad at updating. But now it has partially to do with my new job, and the fact that I have less time on the internet than I had. Me thinks it's time for my own laptop. And hey! I have the money to pay for one too now. :'3 Any suggestions of brands that are good?

& Talking about the new job... I'm enjoying it, even though I still need to adjust a bit to it all. The biggest point now is to find time for all my hobbies. Drawing seems to not to be happening, and that's just not right. Last drawing I did was the Castiel one, and my fingers are itching. Time management = not yet on track. :'3

# Tragedy struck when I was re-doing this bun, and one of my hairsticks broke. Apparently, thick long hair and plastic hairsticks don't combine to well. beelikej, when we go to Amsterdam, we need to hop into a Claire's, and look if they've got hairsticks made out of metal or wood.

@ Updated my rec-list, and added a fanart section. You can find it all HERE.

! Last, but not least... Supernatural 5.03. I've got one thing to say about it for now: OMG! *flails about* Our show, so awesome. Moar later.

supernatural, work, hair, computer, randomness, personal

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