Supernatural 5.02: A picspam

Sep 20, 2009 14:27


Supernatural 5.02: Good God Ya'll!

Castiel: "I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled and I did it -- all of it -- for you. And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world. And I lost everything -- for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself."

Castiel: "I did come for something, an amulet.
Bobby: "An amulet? What kind?"
Castiel: "Very rare, very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence, it'll help me find him."
Sam: "Like a... God EMF?"
Bobby: "Well I don't know what you're talking about, I've got nothing like that."
Castiel: "I know, you don't." *looks at Dean's amulet*
Dean: "What, this?"
Castiel: "May I borrow it?"
Dean: "No!"
Castiel: "Dean, give it to me."
Dean: "Alright, I guess. Don't... loose it. *hands it over to Castiel* Oh great, now I feel naked..."

Sam: "Ellen?!"
Ellen: "Hello boys."
Dean: "Ellen, what the heck is going on here?"
Ellen: *Throws holy-water into Dean's face*
Dean: "We're us."
Ellen: *walks away, into a building* "Real glad to see you boys." *hugs Dean, then slaps him in the face* You know what kind of whoop-ass I had to open up on you?
Dean: "Ow!"
Ellen: "What, you can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind? What, I have to find out you're alive from Rufus?"
Dean: "Sorry, Ellen."
Ellen: "Yeah you better be. You better put me on speed-dial kid."
Dean: "Yes ma'am."

Dean: "I'll go."
Sam: "It's fine, just stay here and get them ready, I'll cover Ellen."
Dean: "Why does it got to be you?"
Sam: "Oh, that's right, I forgot. You think I'll take one look at a demon and suddenly fall of the wagon, as if after everything, I haven't learned my lesson."
Dean: "Well, have you?"
Sam: *shoves Dean into the wall* "If you actually think -- I..."

Sam: "So who are you?"
War: "Here's a hint. I was in Germany, then in Germany, then in the Middle-East... I was in Darfur when my beeper went off. I'm waiting to hook up with my siblings, I've got three. We have so much fun together."
Sam: "I know who you are. There aren't any demons in town, are there?"
War: "Nope! Just frightened people, ripping each others throats out. I really haven't had to do to much, if you take out a bridge here, lay on a little hallucination there... Sit back, pop some corn... watch the show. Frankly, you're really vicious little animals, Sam."

Dean: "So... pitstop at Mount Doom?"

Sam: "Thing is, the problem's not the demon blood -- not really. And what I did, I can't blame the blood or Ruby or...anything. Problem's me. How far I'll go... There's something in me... it scares the hell out of me, Dean. And the last couple of days, I caught another glimpse."
Dean: "So, what are you saying?"
Sam: "I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, 'cause I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just... go our separate ways."
Dean: "Well, I think you're right."
Sam: "I was expecting a fight."
Dean: "Truth is, I spend more time worrying about you, then about doing the job right. It's just... I can't afford that, you know? Not now."
Sam: "I'm sorry Dean."
Dean: "I know you are, Sam. Hey you uh... Want to take the Impala?"
Sam: "It's okay. Take care of yourself, Dean."
Dean: "Yeah, you to Sammy."

Screenshots taken from oxoniensis and fiddled with in Photoshop by me.


quotes, supernatural, picspam

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