The story behind my icons MEME

Sep 26, 2009 22:29

01. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
02. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!

beelikej picked these 6 icons:

Keywords: Devils Trap Drawing
Aaah.. this might be one of my favorite scenes from season one of Supernatural. John possessed by the Yellow Eyed Demon, being all sexy and low voiced. And Dean was looking particularly fine too. Couldn't help myself and had to draw this scene. And when a drawing turns out nice, I like to make icons out of then. :3

Keywords: Dean Smile
Loved this picture. We never really see Dean smile like this, so when I saw this picture of Jensen smiling like this still wearing Dean's clothes. Well, yeah... <3

Keywords: George Gay F S
Heh. This picture still amuses me to no end, especially with the way George Eads has been acting lately. I can still remember joking with my flist about how gay George looks in this picture. He looks so gay, you can see it from space. I'm sorry George, that's just the way it is. :'3

Keywords: Greg Orgasmface
Oh man... The screenshot this icons was made from, Greg just looked so... ngg. His hair looked awesome and his face... so, so pretty. Yeah, I admit I stared at it for quite some while. And I totally blame the keywords on flipflopadd1ct. :'3

Keywords: Kisskiss Drawing
Aaah, Nick and Greg. My long time fandom love. My CSI love might have cooled down just a tiny bit, but my love for Nick/Greg will never die. Like I said at one of my earlier icons, when I'm particularly satisfied with a drawing, I like to make icons out of them. And this is one of them. N/G foreverrrr. :'3

Keywords: Taichi hmm
Ahaha, oh man... This is Taichi (or Tai in the American version) from the anime Digimon. I know, I know, I am ashamed. XD My very first slash pairing was Taich/ Yamato (or Matt). I actually wrote fanfic of them, which I am now to horrified to read back, seeing as my English wasn't as good as it is now, and just... well. Anyway. Loved Taichi, he was definitely my favorite character, and when I came across this picture I just couldn't help myself. :'3 MY FIRST FANDOM EXPERIENCE! XDXDXD

Ahaha, oh man... XD

icons, meme

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