Marathon Weekend of heaven

May 03, 2007 19:47

Way to late, but I owe some people birthday wishes... So happy belated birthday to aprilmay430, curledfries and tanisafan. I hope you all had an awesome day. *throws confetti and glitter* :D


I had an awesome weekend over at beelikej. We holed up at her attic for three days for our third CSI Marathon, with a sidenote of some Torchwood and Supernatural, and the move The Forsaken ( Read more... )

movies, health, supernatural, tv shows, csi marathon

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Comments 18

carolinecrane May 3 2007, 19:39:23 UTC
See, the whole point of Forsaken is not the awful plot, but the gay, gay love story. Vampire hunters in love! And a perfect opportunity for Kerr Smith mocking. It's my RPS one true love.


beelikej May 3 2007, 21:20:02 UTC
Heh. You warned me about that movie and you were right about the story, it was horrid (and as Sillie pointed out: utterly predictable). But I'm glad we watched it, because especially the ending just begs for fanfic. I can even understand the RPS: mocking Kerr Smith is too much fun:)


carolinecrane May 4 2007, 01:38:37 UTC
If Kerr wasn't such an 'I'm straight! Totally straight!!' loser I wouldn't mock him so. But he is, so he gets to have lots of fictional sex with Brendan. Sucks to be him.


sillie82 May 4 2007, 22:05:19 UTC
Heee, yes it really sucks. *goes off to read some* :'3


beelikej May 3 2007, 21:16:51 UTC
Ahw man, too bad about your back, that sucks. After my big break down, when I seriously put out my back due to stress and sitting down too much, I had physical therapy (fysiotherapie;) and went to fitness for back-strenghtening exercise. That helped a lot. I'd say I got practically back to normal - maybe even better than before- and it tought me to pay attention to my posture. I heard other people really benefitted from Cesar-therapy. I think it's best you get some professional advise to get your back back on track;)

Hmmm, I might skip Spiderman 3, I already had my doubts about number 2.

Oh and "The guys are looking good" is the understatement of the year;) Guh.


sillie82 May 4 2007, 22:25:16 UTC
Yeah, professional advise sounds like a good idea. Need to call the doctor soon. :3

There where some nice things, but it was definitely not as good as the first one. *nods*

Heee, yesssss. *drool*


aprilmay430 May 3 2007, 22:04:09 UTC
Thanks for the birthday wishes! :-) Hope your back is feeling better.


sillie82 May 4 2007, 22:29:01 UTC
You're welcome. Yeah, it's feeling better, thanks. :3


tanisafan May 3 2007, 23:13:02 UTC
Eek sorry to hear about your back.
But yay! for the bucket o'fun you had!

I do wonder what's with all the kissing though.
Ah, I know the answer. Secretly? John Barrowman has infected everyone with his gay perviness. He does that to people. Evil, huh.

Will be watching Spidey on Saturday *excited*...


tanisafan May 3 2007, 23:38:31 UTC
Oh and thanks for the well wishes, of course! I lose at coherent speech, ahem ;).


sillie82 May 4 2007, 22:32:19 UTC
Thanks. It's a little better now, thank god.

Hee, alright, good to know. XD Very evil. *nodnod*

Oooh, hope you'll like it. :3


psychater May 4 2007, 12:46:23 UTC
Thank you very much! (:


sillie82 May 4 2007, 22:33:00 UTC
Welcome. :3


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