Marathon Weekend of heaven

May 03, 2007 19:47

Way to late, but I owe some people birthday wishes... So happy belated birthday to aprilmay430, curledfries and tanisafan. I hope you all had an awesome day. *throws confetti and glitter* :D


I had an awesome weekend over at beelikej. We holed up at her attic for three days for our third CSI Marathon, with a sidenote of some Torchwood and Supernatural, and the move The Forsaken.

Judith came to pick me up saturday morning from the station, and after talking a lot and eating, we made our way up around three. And besides going down to eat something and for toilet breaks, we stayed there till around 3 am. By that time we'd managed to make our way through 13 (or 14, I'm not exactly sure)CSI season 7 episodes.

We continued our marathon after breakfast sundaymorning, and made our way through the rest of the episodes of season 7 that have aired up to now. Awesomeness. It's funny how you only notice some things when you watch all the episodes one after another. Plus, you know, it makes it twice as fun when you watching it with someone who sees the same things you do. :'3 The guys are looking good, by the by. :D

After CSI, we watched the move 'The Forsaken'. I spend most of that time guessing what was going to happen, and I think I was correct 80% of the time. :'3 After the movie we went down for diner.

When we got back up, I was introduced to Torchwood. We watched two episodes, and I liked it. I don't like it as much as CSI and Supernatural, but it was definitely fun. I do wonder what's with all the kissing though. Seriously. :'3 After the two Torchwood eppies, we watched a few Supernatural episodes, till around 00:30 am. Judith started to crash a little then, so we decided to call it a night.

We got up bright and early on monday, and after breakfast we went back up to watch some more Supernatural and another two episodes of Torchwood. Sadly it was time for me to head home by then.


So my weekend was boatloads of fun, and I might have overtaxed or something, 'cause tuesday? One of the worst days I had in a while. I got up and stretched, and then ow. I think I pulled a muscle or something, but fuck it hurt. Right between my shoulderblades, where my back is weakest. I went and took a hot shower, which helped some, but I had a nasty headache and sore eyes for the rest of the day, not to mention that I was afraid to move to much, and couldn't really look over my shoulders without it hurting.

The pain did make me realize something though. While I was trying not to cry to much while standing in the shower, I realized that everyday, I'm a little mad at myself for letting my back get the way it is. It also made me realize that I'm very self conscious about it, and that it's always in the back of my mind. Now that I realize this, I think it's time to do something about it. I know my back will never be the way it was, but it could be a lot better. I have weak abdominal and back muscles, and it takes way to much effort to stand up completely straight without hunching or slumping. I think it might also be the reason for my occasional stomach aches and heart-burn, seeing as my internal organs get squished when I sag.


And last, but not least... Went to see Spider-man 3 with my sister yesterday. I liked it, but I liked Spider-man 1 and 2 better. Gotta love emo!Peter though. :'3

movies, health, supernatural, tv shows, csi marathon

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