Glow of a Rose - Masterpost

Jul 29, 2011 00:19

Big Bang Story: Glow of a Rose (Masterpost)

Title: Glow of a Rose
Author: silkmoth101

Summary: After waiting centuries for the rise of the Once and Future King, Merlin is not amused to find out Arthur can fuck up anything… even his own legend.

Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: Violence, Drug use/abuse/withdrawal
Spoilers: For all Seasons and for screwing around with the Arthurian Legend. Hell, in this story, I couldn’t even let the Nibelungen Legend alone.
Genres: Slash, First Time, Romance, H/C, Angst, Reincarnation!Fic, Powerful!Merlin
Rating: R
Word Count: 40.520

Disclaimer: The show and all characters are owned by the BBC. This is just for fun.

Author’s Notes: Lyrics at the beginning from the song ‘This Bitter Earth’ by Dinah Washington

Art: Please go HERE, take a look at the gorgeous art and leave glenien a comment!


glenien , my wonderful artist, not only for her beautiful art but also for the way she handled my freak-outs and never lost hope that I would actually finish this story.

mialoco , my… I don’t even know what to say. Cheerleader isn’t enough; this story wouldn’t exist without you. I had a hard time writing it, for various reasons, and you stood by me and yelled, cheered, pushed and shoved with an unbelievable enthusiasm that reminded me again and again that I actually like writing.

accioslash , my brilliant beta. If you know her, you know how lucky I am that she said “Yes”. I really hope you had a bit of fun betaing this monster; I sure had fun reading your comments. Quote: “Who? Dude, I got nothing!”

the_muppet , mod of paperlegends . I was scared when I signed up, and you were kind, patient and always there for every question and whimper I threw in your direction. You made this a wonderful experience.

Last but never least, my long-suffering flist. You petted my head, thwapped over it, waved pom-poms and listened to my never-ending whining. I have still no idea how you did it. :D

This story belongs to mialoco .

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six

big bang, masterpost, my fics: merlin

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