[Locked to Elizabeth]

Sep 10, 2011 01:56

How are you doing? It's been a while.

I'm going to be heading out of town for a while. I don't think I'm going to be gone long, but do you want to meet somewhere before I go? I shouldn't be leaving for another week, but I'm not sure when it'll be yet.

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Comments 17

pplrunincircles September 11 2011, 03:58:48 UTC
Hi! Nick!

I'm okay! How are you? It has been awhile. It is kind of cool to talk to you over journals since I know you have to write everything to talk anyway.

That was kind of a weird thing to say. Sorry.

I definitely want to meet up somewhere before you go. Like lunch or something? I don't know what kind of food you like, but I could totally pay. :) Where are you going if I can ask?


silentmovielife September 14 2011, 04:40:20 UTC
I'm doing pretty well. And I don't think it's weird. It is kind of cool, knowing everyone's getting the same thing from the conversation I am.

Lunch sounds good! I'm pretty open on where. You know the area better than I do, and I don't eat out a lot anyway. What's your favorite place?

I don't know yet, really. We're kind of seeing where we end up. I just miss traveling. I did a lot of it for a few years, and it's been over a year since I've done it. unless you count falling through a rift. Which I guess is traveling, but it's still not the same.


pplrunincircles September 14 2011, 10:34:47 UTC
Oh, good. Glad to hear it. Also, I'm glad to hear that you don't think it's weird. Cool. They are! I am. :)

Awesome! I'd love to do lunch. I love this place that serves awesome Chicago style pizza. Do you want me to meet you where you live or could you meet me where I do? I don't like being out too much lately cause of the angel stuff I talked to you before about, but going out once in awhile is also helpful.

That's cool. I hope you end up somewhere fun. You should send postcards if you can. No, I don't count falling through a Rift. You don't get the whole sense of traveling when you do. You're just there and it's against your will. Totally different thing.


silentmovielife September 15 2011, 16:53:10 UTC
I can meet you, just give me the address. What day's good for you? My calendar is pretty open, so whatever works best for you is fine.

Exactly, that's what I was thinking. And I will definitely send you postcards from wherever I end up.


[also backdated to that Sunday at 12] pplrunincircles September 22 2011, 16:45:29 UTC
Elizabeth is waiting outside of her apartment complex for Nick. She wouldn't mind him coming into the apartment too, but she feels really good today and has not been out much. It is obvious with how extra pale she is so it's nice to be able to sit on the steps of the apartment complex, feel the sun washing down while she waits.

She went down about fifteen minutes early just so she could sit out in it, and the sun is nice today. It's warm, bright. It's going to be a good day.

For one, she gets to see a friend that she hasn't seen in awhile. For another, they get to enjoy some of the best pizza ever together. She's really excited and really happy that he wrote to her since her mind is kind of a mess lately, and it's hard for her to sort things out.


Re: [also backdated to that Sunday at 12] silentmovielife September 30 2011, 02:56:37 UTC
Nick comes walking down the path only a couple of minutes early. He's been out most of the morning, wandering around Grant Park -- he's been having trouble staying indoors lately, too keyed up and eager to travel. But he's cheerful, despite it, especially today -- it's good to be seeing Elizabeth again, and it's good be going out and doing things with somebody, even if things is just lunch.

He smiles when he spots her, lifting a hand to wave, and there's a spark of concern in his gaze when he studies her and notices how pale she is. He does his best to keep it to himself, though, and when he reaches her, he envelopes her in a hug.


pplrunincircles October 1 2011, 04:55:46 UTC
Elizabeth gets to her feet when she sees him, and there's no hint of all the things that have been plaguing her on her face, because she's always so happy to see a friend. And Nick is definitely a friend. She grins and she hugs him tightly.

But not too tightly, she has that angel strength going for her after all.

She even remembers to pull back before speaking for once. "Hey! It's so good to see you," she says. "I'm really happy you wrote me, okay?"

She'd wanted to see him before he left.


silentmovielife October 2 2011, 22:43:25 UTC
He grins as she pulls back to talk, glad she remembered -- not that he minds if she forgets, but it's nice not to miss half of what she's said -- and pulls out his notebook as he watches her mouth move.

"Me too," he scribbles down quickly, nodding slightly as he turns his attention to writing. "It's really good to see you again. How are you doing?" With a very brief hesitation first -- he's not sure if he should bring it up, but he wants to know -- he adds, "Is the angel stuff you mentioned doing any better?", before handing her the paper.


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