happy birthday to you

Aug 26, 2011 22:13

a birthday fic for infinite's very own choding lee sungyeol ♥ happy birthday bb! & it was hyunyoung's birthday on the 11th too so happy birthday to both! you guys are now 21 so that makes you guys legal in korea! on the day you turn legal in korea, you're supposed to give someone perfume, rose, and a kiss! i couldn't include all those in the fic ( Read more... )

fandom: infinite, fandom: rainbow, pairing: sungyeol/hyunyoung

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Comments 7

silentlybelieve August 27 2011, 03:14:11 UTC
spot for withoutchange


THIS IS MY SPOT withoutchange August 28 2011, 18:32:03 UTC
i really, really liked how you wrote this, pace, time stamps and all. i also felt it was realistic and not too out there :D it was usper believable and SUPER SWEET <3

i loved it.


thyluvlyname212 August 29 2011, 19:53:20 UTC
LOL ahah. :) Lee Sungyeol & Hyunyoung would make quite the cute couple :) <3
LOL @ Woohyun & Hoya both taking pics XD" <3


silentlybelieve August 30 2011, 01:00:37 UTC
aww, thank you dear for reading and commenting!
& i love your hoya pic!


captroomush October 11 2011, 08:55:18 UTC
ok i know i'm really late but this is so cute!! ♥
totally love them on that bouquet show,
and now i'm sungyeol/hyunyoung deprived.
if you make another fic of them pls tell me! :D


silentlybelieve October 11 2011, 20:54:18 UTC
aww, i'm glad you like it sweety!
that bouquet show was when i first started liking them too.
they seemed so close <33 & it seems like they've known each other for a while.
did you know they were both once part of sm?
that's why they seemed so intimate on the show with her slapping him and etc.
and i will tell you if i write another one!
i swear, rainfinite needs more looooove!


captroomush October 12 2011, 00:50:11 UTC
omg i didn't know!!
aww so that's why <3
the other couples were like, shy and ~plain~ (except sungjong/zinger lol)
but sungyeol and hyunyoung were slapping, yelling, complaining at each other.
such a childish couple ♥
gonna add you so it's easier to see your updates!!


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