happy birthday to you

Aug 26, 2011 22:13

a birthday fic for infinite's very own choding lee sungyeol ♥ happy birthday bb! & it was hyunyoung's birthday on the 11th too so happy birthday to both! you guys are now 21 so that makes you guys legal in korea! on the day you turn legal in korea, you're supposed to give someone perfume, rose, and a kiss! i couldn't include all those in the fic because... i just couldn't. i included one though! so now go to that cut and read!

August 27th, 2011.

This is the date of Infinite’s Lee Sungyeol’s birthday. He has been waiting for this day to come since forever, well, since he got a girlfriend who goes by Cho Hyunyoung of Rainbow. It’d be the first birthday he’s spending with a girlfriend and he had it all planned out so it goes perfectly. They were going to the amusement park first, not many people knew them anyway so there weren’t many chances of being caught, then a dinner at one of his favorite restaurants that specialized in Italian food that both him and Hyunyoung enjoyed, and then finally a birthday cake at his dorm with only them two and hopefully a present from her. He wanted a kiss, and not those .1 lasting kisses she always gives out, but a real one. It was going to be the perfect day!

7:00 AM


Sungyeol tossed and turned in his bed, refusing to wake up. Why did they have to film the damn sitcom so early? What was so wrong at filming it at like noon? Anyway, he woke up after hearing his manager's threat on not picking up his morning coffee because everybody knows what happens to Sungyeol if you don't give him his morning coffee.

He slowly rose up and stepped down from the top bunk and headed out towards the living room where his manager was waiting for him with his morning coffee in one hand. "Come on let's go, oh! And happy birthday Sungyeol." His manager gave him a slight smile then got serious again as he yelled at Sunggyu about how irresponsible of a leader he was for not waking up first and getting the kids ready for their radio program in about an hour.

1:00 PM

This was the longest filming he's ever done for this sitcom. And he was supposed to be meeting up with Hyunyoung for the amusement park by 3. He paced back and forth in his waiting room as he got worried that he might be late.

"Just text her or something saying that the filming might end a little late instead of walking around in circles like that, you're giving me a headache." His co-star in the sitcom spoke up after watching him wander like this for a few minutes.

Sungyeol quickly picked up his phone to text her about how the filming might drag on a couple hours late when a beep sounded and a message popped up onto his phone screen.

Sungyeol-ah! I'm going to have to cancel the amusement park! The Lost Saga fan sign got postponed to 4PM because of bad weather and manager unnie says I can't leave! Sorry sorry! - Hyunnieboo♥

Sungyeol sighed as he put his phone down. He hasn't seen her in weeks because of their individual schedules and was so looking forward to the date, but he can't stop his working girlfriend. Although he was a bit hurt that she didn't even leave him a happy birthday in the text.

"Sungyeol-ah! You're needed back on set!" One of the writer noonas sneaked her head into the waiting room and called out. "Okay! I'll be right there!" He yelled back and headed out back into the set, he'll just have to wait for dinner to see her.

7:00 PM

He has finished all his sitcom filming and returned back to his dorm. That was a 10 hour filming for the how many minutes he even appears in the thing. He was exhausted but then he thought about dinner with Hyunyoung and smiled again. He quickly stood up and headed towards his closet, prepared to choose the neatest outfit he had.

In about 30 minutes he was all prepared and ready. Right then he got a text from his phone. He guessed it was from Hyunyoung because who else would text him at this time?

Sungyeol-ah! Bad news! I got called down to DSP for some emergency Kara and Rainbow meeting.. I don't think I can make it to dinner either.. I'm so sorry! I promise I'll make it up to you! Okay? Bye! Mwah! - Hyunnieboo♥

He stared at the text for about a minute before throwing his phone onto the floor. This was about the worst birthday ever. He was all prepared and manager hyung even grabbed night schedules for the other members so he and Hyunyoung could have the dorm to their selves but the world just decides to bring bad luck to them and put in all these obstacles. He was absolutely devastated.

He lied down on the living room floor, too tried to even get out of these clothes. He only planned on lying down here for a few minutes but his eyes ended up closing and dozing off he went.

11:50 PM

Sungyeol woke up ans he felt something beside him. He opened up his eyes to see a familiar petite girl just smiling while looking at him. He quickly rose and stared back at her. "W-what are you doing here so late?"

She smiled and chuckled a little. "I had to cancel all our plans today and this is the least I can do, right?" She gave him her famous eye-smile and just laughed.

"How long have you been here?" She pondered for a while before replying. "Uh, about 15 minutes." He just stared at her in chock. "And you didn't bother waking me up?!"

Hyunyoung was startled at his sudden outburst but she understood to why he was upset. "You just look too cute sleeping, plus it seemed like you were tired. Your manager oppa told me you had filming for 12 hours today." She gently caressed his cheeks. "Aigoo, you must have been dying."

He took her hand into his and held them there tight. "You canceled everything. This was supposed to be my best birthday but I'm sure it's not even the 27th anymore."

Hyunyoung checked her phone for the time. 11:58 "Hey, it's still your birthday!" She showed him her phone and then slowly leaned in to peck him on the lips. "Happy birthday." Sungyeol's tensed face loosened up at her kiss but he was sick and tired of this.

He pulled onto her hand he was still holding and she ended up falling into his embrace. He tiled her chin up and closed the space between them, keeping their position like that for a while.

They slowly pulled away and he could see her cheeks blushing red with both embarrassment and excitement. He grinned at the sight of her like this and pecked her on the lips once more for looking so cute.

"I take that back, today was the best birthday ever."

Hyunyoung smiled and jokingly hit him on the chest but midway through one he gripped her hand, and now holding both of her hands, he pulled her down to the floor with him. And they just ended up lying down on the floor in each other's embrace.

He tucked her hair behind her ears and then pushed her bangs out of her forehead and planted a kiss on top of her forehead. "Yah! Enough with the kisses!" Sungyeol stared at her then finally spoke out. "I'm the birthday boy here! You should actually be giving me the kisses!"

Hyunyoung checked the clock. "It's 12:03!" Sungyeol pouted and let go of her. "Fine, be mean." He rose and huffed his cheeks out like a kid and crossed his arms across his chest like a little kid.

Hyunyoung laughed at the cute sight in front of her. "It's not funny," Sungyeol mumbled, still upset. She moved over to his side and positioned him so he was looking straight at her. Then she pcked him on the lips and when she saw that he was still pouting, she grabbed his cheeks into her hands and leaned in and gave him a real kiss, the one he's been waiting for since forever. And when she was about to pull away, his hands went behind her head to keep him in place so she couldn't pull away. When she whined about it, he pulled back for a second to say, "Cho Hyunyoung, I've been waiting for a kiss from you since forever, You aren't ending it so quickly," and he once again closed the space in between them.

When they finally pulled away from each other, or more like Hyunyoung pushed Sungyeol hard enough, they were both gasping for air. "I did not know you had this side in you choding." Then he jokingly flipped his hair, "I can surprise a lot of people."

"God you're so weird." Hyunyoung shook her head while laughing. "But you love this weird kid, right?" Sungyeol put his two hands under his chin which caused Hyunyoung to crack up laughing. "Yes, yes I do.z' And then she pecked him once more.

"I love you Cho Hyunyoung." Sungyeol snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her again to the floor, hugging her like that on the floor. "I love you too Lee Sungyeol."

(The next morning, the members and manager came in and decided to scurry out and find some other place to stay in for a while, trying not to disturb the couple. Although Woohyun and Hoya did take some pictures.)

fandom: infinite, fandom: rainbow, pairing: sungyeol/hyunyoung

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