
Oct 25, 2011 20:53

~1,255 w, pg-13, jessica-centric
drapetomania; an overwhelming urge to run away.
ft. kim jaejoong, kim jonghyun, hwang tiffany, jung krystal, & lee onew.
a/n: this was the most random fic i have ever written. this just popped into my mind after i saw a picture on tumblr, which i can't seem to find now, and i guess i was just deprived of this couple lol. enjoy, if you can ;w; un-betaed. i ignored capitals on purpose.

jessica jung trusted only five people around her, excluding her parents. so when she had the urge to run away from her hell of a life as a girls' generation's member, she asked these five people to leave with her, and only one proved worthy enough of her trust.

i. jaejoong

"come with me."

she has asked to meet him on the rooftop of their gym, a place that was safe for them to meet without anyone suspecting anything, and he was standing there, facing her, with a confused look on his face as if she was asking him something absurd, which in his point of view, was exactly what she was doing right now.

"jessica, i just can't-"

"no, i don't want to hear anything else but an 'i will' or an 'i won't'"

"okay then, i won't." and with that, he walked back down to continue working out on his body that nobody really gave a crap about but his self-centered self.

she expected this. kim jaejoong, the oppa she's known for who knows how long said no to her and she expected it. was it wrong for her to have? it probably was but either way, she predicted all of this. the conversation was also exactly how she pictured it, no stupid excuses or persuasion to not leave, just a simple answer, and she was okay with it because she expected it.

ii. jonghyun

"leave with me."

she asked to meet him at the cafeteria of the sm entertainment building at 4am where nobody would be there but new trainees who believed that by being there later and practicing on their own, they would become better- which was all lies in her experience.

"sica noona, are you crazy? should we go see a doc-"

"shut up and just tell me a definite answer."

"i don't think this is a good idea and when i say it's not a good idea, it really isn't-"

"i'll just take that as a no."

kim jonghyun. another conversation that was already sent forth to her. a picture that was already completed before it was even started. she just absolutely knew he would be cocky even if this might be the last conversation she has with him. he always had the habit of having to be right at all times and having to be the one to have the last word in a conversation. another one where she knew he'd refuse.

iii. tiffany

"come on tiffany, we can be free together."

they were in their dorm, in the kitchen, while all the other members were somewhere else doing something else but jessica really didn't give a fuck at the moment. tiffany took this by surprise as it was a total random time, in the middle of cooking dinner for both of them.

"jessi, think this over. we can go out for a walk after i finish cooking the last of this, maybe the fresh air might get you to change your-"

"fany, please run away with me."

"jessi... i can't. you might not be loving this life at this moment, but i know you had and i know you will. you're just looking at the bad side of things, think of the brighter and more optimistic parts of our life and i know our sones will be deeply sad when they realize their ice princess is go-"

"no fany, i'm leaving, and i take it that you're not coming with me."

her lovable best friend that she's known forever, the other side of her that she possibly couldn't live without, but she knows she can try. tiffany and her conversation was predictable too, fany trying to persuade her to not leave, she was always the more angelic and optimistic out of the two, but no matter how much she begged and how much she tried to change her mind, it wouldn't work. oh how she'll miss her eye-smile and soft voice, but she had already decided that running away was the best thing for her.

iv. krystal

"come on, i know you've thought about it before but you were always too scared to try, now i'm giving you a chance to do it with me."

they have returned home for one night as it was her father's birthday, and now in their shared room, jessica has revealed her plans to her younger sister and asked her to come with her.

"yeah, but i'm stupid, irresponsible, and young."

"then are you saying i'm smart, trustable, and old?"

"no jessica unnie, i'm saying that this is a bad idea."

"but this is what i need."

"then do whatever your little heart desires."

the ever encouraging krystal jung. she was this little brat that always toler her clothes, make-up, and money, but at the same time this lovable little sister who she couldn't possibly hate. soojung was always there for her, lending her shoulder for her to lean on when she needed someone and once again, she was here for her, telling her to do whatever she desired. she couldn't turn back on her sister and leave her... but she could, and she would.

jessica quickly picked up the luggage that she has packed before and headed out the door, bidding goodbye to her parents and soojung, lying to them all that she was just bringing some extra stuff to her dorm, but soojung saw the look in her eyes and she knew exactly what was going on. for, possibly the last time, jessica looked into her sister's eyes and soojung was looking right back. she mouthed to her 'good luck and be safe'. jessica nodded and headed out to the very last person she trusted, hoping, and knowing that he'd come along.

v. onew

"jinki, please."

those were the only two words she said to him when they met at the local park outside shinee's dorm. he had come out quite earlier than she expected and when she gave him a bewildered face he quickly answered saying that all his members were out watching a movie and he just decided to stay back. of course, onew was quite taken back at her words and just looked at her with both worry and pity.

"sooyeon, are you positive about this?" (he refused to call her jessica and when she asked why, he simply replied with, 'it's just not who you are').

"i'm absolutely positive. i've asked everyone but they're all fucking cowards who are scared about what people will say but i know you jinki, please."

"what are you going to do about snsd? what am i going to do with shinee?"

"they'll function perfectly well without me-"

"you're their lead vocalist-"

"oh please, taeyeon, seohyun, tiffany, and sunny can easily take over my lines. and for dancing, i was never really good, hyoyeon, yuri, yoona, and sooyoung were so much better than me. i was always the odd one out which is why i decided this is better for me and for them."

"then what about me? and shinee?

"i guess they'll be losing their perfect leader."

onew pondered for a minute before embracing her in his arms and softly patting her head, and without her even knowing, she started crying. he let her cry in his embrace and quietly whispered to her, "i'll go with you."

jessica pulled back for a second before smiling and pulling him back to hug him. "thank you jinki, thank you so much." he smiled back and squeezed her more. "anything for you sooyeon."
what is this? ;w;

pairing: onew/jessica, fandom: snsd, pairing: jessica/tiffany, pairing: jaejoong/jessica, fandom: f(x), pairing: jonghyun/jessica, pairing: jungsisters, fandom: shinee, rating: pg-13, fandom: jyj/tvxq

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