Fic: Revenge

Jan 04, 2007 15:58

title: Revenge
pairing: Dom/Elijah, Dom/Billy
rating: NC-17
warnings: D/s, a bit of blood, lots of violence, borderline non-con
summary: Dom cheats on Elijah and Elijah finds out.
disclaimer: Totally untrue.

“You fucking whore,” Elijah hissed before the door had even closed. Dom froze, a gasp stuck in his throat. “On your fucking knees, Dominic. Now.”

Dom didn’t turn around to face Elijah. He dropped to his knees, the impact sending a shockwave up his legs, which turned into a shiver that rose quickly up his spine. Elijah’s voice was like a whiplash, even more painful than Dom knew the whips would be. He could hear Elijah storming around the room behind him, but he didn’t dare turn. Dom’s eyes were focused on the floor in front of him and his hands loosely clasped behind his back. Finally, he saw Elijah’s shoes appear before him.

Elijah grabbed Dom’s chin and forced his face upwards, but Dom kept his eyes lowered. “Look at me, damn it!” Elijah shouted. Dom’s gaze flickered up to Elijah’s face, but Dom didn’t meet his piercing stare.

“You’re a whore, Dominic. A fucking slut. How many have you fucked? How many?” Elijah paused, his expression suddenly amused and taunting. “How many have fucked you, then, Dommie?”

Dom closed his eyes. He could feel the prickling that meant tears were soon to follow and he didn’t want to cry. Not yet. Elijah hadn’t even warmed up yet. Dom would save his tears for later, when the situation actually deserved them. He tried to push his emotions back in his head, but Elijah interrupted the brief meditation.

“Open your fucking eyes, boy.”

Dom didn’t comply quickly enough, and he felt Elijah’s hard slap across the face for several minutes after the fact.

“Hands, Dominic,” Elijah ordered sternly. Dom unclasped his hands from behind his back (there were little crescents on his right palm from his fingernails) and held his arms out to Elijah. Elijah jerked Dom’s wrist forward, pulling on the leather cuff. “Do you know what this means, Dominic? Do you understand what this is?” he asked slowly.

“Yes, sir,” Dom answered in a quiet voice.

“Yes what, Dominic?”

“Yes, I understand what it means, sir.” Dom gritted his teeth. Elijah was silent for a moment, but his grip didn’t loosen around Dom’s wrist.

“It means, slut, that you are fucking mine. Not anyone else’s, and sure as fucking hell not Billy’s. Do you understand that, Dominic?”

“I understand, sir.”

“Then why-fucking look at me, you bastard!”

Dom forced his eyes up to Elijah’s and swallowed hard. Elijah threw down his wrist and closed his fist in Dom’s hair, holding his head still. “Tell me, boy. Tell me right fucking now what you let Billy do to you.”

Dom was silent. “Did you blow him? Did you suck his cock, Dom? Did you let him fuck you? Tell me!”

“I… I-He-He fucked me,” Dom finally stuttered. “I let him fuck me.”

“What about the rest of them, Dominic? Viggo and Ian?” Elijah sneered. “Did they pay you, at least?”

“N-no, sir, they didn’t fucking pay me for anything. I didn’t-They didn’t-”

“Watch your tone, boy,” Elijah replied automatically. “You’re a fucking cheap lay, Dominic. Strip, then get on the bed, hands and knees. Now.”

Dom hurried to do as Elijah ordered, tossing his t-shirt and jeans into the closet. Elijah moved soundlessly, a stark contrast from the chaotic anger he displayed earlier. This was Elijah as angry as Dom had ever seen him, and he was completely under control of himself. That was fucking scary.

He knew the whip was coming before it hit his back. Nevertheless, the pain of the strike lanced through him like electricity. Dom cried out and fell to his elbows.

“Stay up, damn it.”

Dom lost track of the blows and was grateful Elijah wasn’t making him count them. He thought he was bleeding, but the pain and heat radiating from his back was so intense that he couldn’t be sure.

“On your back,” Elijah spat, tossing the whip to the floor. Dom rolled over carefully, wincing as the sheets touched the marks. “Open your damn eyes, Dominic, don’t make me tell you again.”

When Dom looked up at Elijah, his breath caught in his throat. Most people figured Elijah for the innocent hobbit, even the people who knew Elijah had a dirty mouth and a bad temper. That perception couldn’t be further from the truth. Elijah wasn’t innocent any more than Dom was a virgin. Elijah was all razor-sharp corners, piercing glares, and icy heart. He had the desire to dominate, the cunning smarts to manipulate, and the strength to deliver punishments. He was everything Billy wasn’t.

Dom tried to approach this encounter as a scene. So far, Elijah hadn’t done anything that, 1) he hadn’t technically deserved, and 2) he hadn’t done before, if only to a lesser degree. Dom concentrated on his breathing, the almost-steady rise and fall of his chest, the frantic, but strong beat of his heart. But the simple fact was, this wasn’t a scene. Elijah was angry, and Dom was at fault. None of Elijah’s actions were carefully planned out like usual. Dom didn’t know what was coming.

That’s why he was surprised when Elijah suddenly smiled down at him, his expression softening, if only slightly. “Tell me, Dommie, what did Billy do to you? Describe it for me.”

“H-he, um…”

“Don’t you answer me with ‘um,’ Dominic,” Elijah snapped, his eyes hard and cutting again. “Tell me exactly what he did to you, boy.”

“He fucked me. He kissed me and fucked me and I sucked him off and he watched me while I wanked on his bed,” Dom said in a rush of air, his eyes nearly falling shut again.

“Eyes open, Dominic!” Elijah spat into his own hand and reached down to stroke himself. His jeans were unbuttoned and pushed down to his thighs. “Describe it. Describe how it felt to have Billy’s cock in your ass, Dommie. How did it feel to wrap your lips around it?”

Dom shuddered and looked away from Elijah’s face. Elijah grabbed his wrist and pushed them up to the headboard, where he fastened the cuffs to the chain that lay there, ready.

“Did he tease you, Dommie? Did he jerk you off? Were his hands gentle around your dick or were they hard and unforgiving?” Elijah hissed, both hands now moving on his own cock.

“He-he-he sucked me off. His tongue on my cock and on my lips after I came,” Dom said guiltily. His eyes darted around the room, landing everywhere except Elijah.

“I’m not extending you the same courtesy,” Elijah sneered unnecessarily. As if he would after Dom’s recent behavior. Elijah knelt on the bed, positioning himself at Dom’s entrance. “Tell me how it felt to have his dick in your ass, Dominic.”

Dom tensed at Elijah’s touch. “It-it felt good. He was gentle. Billy wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Like I do, is that it? Answer me, Dominic.”

“No, not… I didn’t-I wanted-I… Elijah, please…”

“You’ll fucking call me ‘sir,’ boy, and keep your damn eyes on me,” Elijah spat as he pushed into Dom in one solid motion. Dom screamed at the sudden intrusion but kept his eyes open and focused on Elijah’s face. The cuffs chaffed Dom’s already bruised wrists and the sheets pulled at the cuts on Dom’s back, all adding to the intense pain of the encounter.

Elijah didn’t slow his thrusts and he didn’t touch Dom at all besides a hand on Dom’s knee. Every time Dom’s eyes fell closed or darted away from Elijah’s face, he would change the angle slightly, just enough to send sparks though Dom’s body. When he felt his orgasm nearing, he closed his eyes and dug his fingernails into Dom’s skin.

“Fucking whore,” he muttered, slamming into Dom one last time and then coming in Dom’s ass. He pulled out and tucked himself back into his jeans, then walked casually to the doorway. “I’m fucking done with you, Dominic,” he said dismissively, giving Dom a sharp glare. Dom tugged at the cuffs around his wrists desperately and Elijah laughed. The sound was humorless. “Get yourself out.”

Dom listened to the faint sounds of Elijah gathering his jacket, keys, and something from the refrigerator, and then leave the house, slamming the front door on his way. He heard Elijah’s car start and drive off. And then, finally, Dom allowed himself to cry.

He lay shaking on the bed for several minutes, tears coursing down the sides of his face. His shoulders and wrists were aching, his entire back burned and stung awfully, and his arse was unbelievably sore. Dom took another few minutes to settle himself and begin his yoga breathing techniques, which calmed him down immensely. Once calm, Dom had a sense of detachment from the scene, and he tilted his head up to examine the cuffs.

His ankles weren’t tied to the footboard, and so allowed him to scoot up and fumble the with the buckles on the cuffs. He finally sat up, unrestrained, and drew in a shuddering breath.

Whatever kind of fucked-up relationship he had had with Elijah was over. And as much as it pained him to admit it, Dom was glad.

He eased himself off the bed and pulled on his jeans, leaving the t-shirt on the floor. He couldn’t bear to have anything touch his back. Dom moved like a ghost through the house, finding his own set of keys, his own jacket (one with the soft inner lining, though he still didn’t put it on), and his journal. Dom slipped on a pair of sandals and went out to his own car, which he started up and backed out of the driveway, careful not to lean back against the seat.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulled up in front of Billy’s house. He waited several more minutes getting himself under control; tears had begun to flow and his hands had begun to shake again. Then Dom stepped out of the car and walked slowly up to the door, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. He poised his hand to knock, but Billy opened the door before he could follow through.

“What the fuck happened to you?” Billy asked, wide-eyed, at the sight of Dom’s bruised and bloody skin. “Are you alright, Dommeh?”

Dom didn’t reply. Instead, he surged forward and kissed Billy, his lips gentle and desperate at the same time. Billy didn’t react for a moment, and then he curled his hand around Dom’s neck, pulling him inside the house, never breaking the kiss.

fanfic, pwp, one-shot, lotrips

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