Awww, love you too! Hugs not to close, dont wanna get you sick again. Stupid sore throat still here with me, did yours feel like glass when you got the cold? Please tell me it didnt. OMG Dom's interview is love!!!! And I cant wait to download Charlie's flashback tomorrow. YAY!!!! Oh do you have a pic of yourself! Hugs! I'd love to see one! =) Talk later on!
Oh, I think I just have a sore throat thats all! Maybe a cold later, I dont know yet! YAY! Lost!!!!!!! I'm downloading it now! =) Dommie!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, I'm nervous to to see his episode, I hope he makes me feel better! LOL! Hugs! Talk laters!
Comments 6
I'm at work. There's a serious talk going on. I just laughed out so loudly I interuppted the sales people!
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