highs and lows

May 16, 2007 00:15


Biology is over, so I woke up feeling very very good about that. Unbelievably good. I felt better about it than I thought I would. I knew I'd be glad it's over, but in all seriousness, I really didn't work very hard, except for these last couple of weeks, and really, that's been kind of hit-or-miss too. I pretty much can't believe how well I think I did on the tests considering how much procrastinating I did. So I thought that once it was over, I would feel good, but because I hadn't really studied much in the first place, nothing much would change. But it's the whole idea of it, I think. If I make a 3 or better on this test, I may never have to take biology ever again. Today just felt really really really good. I'm so not kidding about this: everything seemed brighter, more colorful, and oh so much happier. I actually wanted to listen to happy music instead of my normal angsty music. I was still a bit bouncy from Dom on Leno last night, and then I got even bouncier when I watched it again this morning (a few times, lol). During the first bit of class tonight, I was chatting with my (one) friend and we were giggling about something or other and he tried to read some stuff in my PORN NOTEBOOK from over my shoulder. LOL I promptly closed the cover and put it in my bag. >.<

But then, after splitting into our units, everything kind of wore off.


I honestly don't know why I wasn't enjoying the class. It was probably a combination of several things.

1) I was walking allllllll around campus, trying to scout locations with people that I don't even know the names of.
2) the producer girl was wearing a dress, and it didn't really look good on her, especially after seeing her wear goth-type outfits all last quarter, but ANYWAY, she's apparently a bit pissed with me and the director and the DoP because we haven't given her storyboards. I never volunteered to draw them! She and the director came to me and said "hey, you're an artist, you do them." WELL, THANKS. NOT MY JOB, Y'KNOW.
3) I don't know if I even know my job. The Script Supervisor (the instructor's wife, lol!) that came to class gave lots of info and stuff, but I'm still very unsure of what it is I'll actually be doing, y'know? And the director keeps looking at me like I'm supposed to know what he should be doing too. I don't fucking know!
4) the whole unit acts like they want my opinion, but then when I say what I was picturing we do, they give me blank looks and say stuff like, "but it needs to happen this way." WTF? ALSO: the script? The way I read it, it's about a girl coming to terms with the guy who tried to rape her, while also admitting to falling in love with her new girlfriend. But everyone else is apparently seeing it from the girlfriend's point of view! So instead of the story being about April, this wonderfully flawed character, it's about Leslie, a goody-two-shoes that experiences a lesbian relationship for the first time. *shakes head*
5) Cute Guy has not come to class for about three classes in a row, which makes me sad, because he's cute and he makes me laugh.
6) After having NO cold symptoms all day and last night, a mild headache has returned with a stuffy nose and a bit of a ticklish throat. >.< At least I'm on my WAY to getting better.
7) I have an English paper due tomorrow, and I haven't even read the essay I'm supposed to be writing about. *sigh*

but to end, more pluses...


I'm recording Orlando on Leno tonight; hopefully that'll be fun and cool, even though it'll never beat Dom's appearance (unless Orli TALKS about Dom. And Billy fucking him, or something. THAT would make it better. LOL)

I wrote a completely random (and I do mean COMPLETELY random) Monaboyd thing, which I may or may not type up at the moment. Dom and Billy share the first snow in New Zealand. Sappy? You bet. Fluffy? It involves SNOW; need I say more?

Sean Bean on Patriot Games = evil and sexy, yet also young-ish and thin-ish, compared to Boromir and some of his other roles. *giggles*

Media & Messages class tomorrow, which should be interesting and cool, and it's my favorite professor, so it's hard for it to be bad. Although I will have to meet with my group of idiots. *facepalm*

I registered for classes! Italian, Studio Filming, and Physics (though if I pass the math test, I'll switch to that), with a weekend Assertiveness Training thing.

Trip to the east coast is getting busier by the minute. I'm going to go visit SCAD with my ex-bf friend because his brother goes there, and they want to spend time with me and my family. I'm also going to visit Pratt (funniest name for an expensive private university ever, in my opinion) and Drexel, and maybe one other that I'm forgetting. I also have to see a set of friends in GA, and another set in SC, and possibly ones in FL as well, but probably not. Not to mention the whole REASON for the trip: my grandparents 50th anniversary party, which I am going to be filming, I believe. Which means I have to find an outfit that looks nice, is comfortable, and goes with shoes that I can stand around and hold a camera in. O.o

LotR movie party on Friday/Sunday! omgIcan'twait. MERRY/PIPPIN OTP. :P

also, I now have a hat. Like Dom's black cap, only not. LOL But it is cool, and I like it, and it has a light-coloured band around it. *g*

also, I'm not sure if this goes in the plus section or the minus. Probly the plus. Charlie flashback on Lost tomorrow. If I get my essay in early, I may be able to watch it live. *hopes omg*

and finally, I love you all. :) Thanks for being here and everything. /sappy omg >.<

dominic monaghan, class: comm 103, class: engl 271, lotr, tv: lost, co-op: biology, love, class: comm 291, random, school, to do list, rant, rl, writing, co-op: lotr lit

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