tiff: meet me on campus?

May 16, 2007 11:48

i have to set up a table to get people to participate in my psychology experiment. omg. >.< why can't i just KNOW 20 people? this is gonna be awful, i can tell. i'm going to give a piece of candy to everyone that participates. *hides*

tiffany!!! if you see this before about 2:30 today, i'll be in the cafeteria. pls join me if you're on campus. *clings* and if you're not, then i'll see you on friday. where i will be recruiting you to participate, lol.

ps: if i find a way to do this experiment online, i'm totally gonna have you guys do it. even if i can't use the data for my report. >.< because it would be cool, and i like data. *giggles*


eta: I LOSE AT LIFE. sat in the cafeteria for about an hour, I think, and I got 2 people. INCLUDING MY MOM. >.< it was teh awful, as I suspected it would be. and now I still have to find about 10 people, not including my co-op friends. SO MUCH FAIL, SRSLY.

school, rant, rl, class: psych 100

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