May 15, 2007 15:20

because I'm procrastinating. again. :D this is a CELEBRATION. lol

I thought I needed a "dom=sexy" type icon. so. the original:

first attempt:

second attempt:

third attempt:

and finally, the icon:

I was a bit stupid and did the text on the full-sized one, and then when I shrunk it, it didn't look right. that's why I had so many failed attempts. >.< I'm semi-happy with this one.

then I wanted to do a different picture. namely, this one, from the Berlin Hyatt shoot. the original:

but I couldn't figure out how to make an icon that incorporated all the sexy bits of the picture, so I just left it big. lol

and that's it. and now I have a ton of stuff to do in like, 45 min. >.< but at least I had fun procrastinating. LOL

[credit me for the photoshopped pics and icon if you take them]

dominic monaghan, picspam, icons, graphic

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