So, this was basically the highlight of the book, at about three am:

Jul 21, 2007 12:03

"If I ever have a cat I want to name it Macchiato... Or Benito Mussolini!"
"Why don't you just go straight to Adolf Hitler?"
"Have you ever seen that website,"

And then we laughed until we cried. It may have been the hysteria of, "Oh my God it actually is this bad" finally getting to us, or maybe cats that look like ( Read more... )

dh, hp

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Comments 7

thehalflie July 21 2007, 20:15:44 UTC
Benito Pussolini...and yes, I think that may have been the best part of the entire night. Especially when you consider that it was some how related to DH...

I'm at a total loss right now. I just can't really think about it at the moment...of course, that may be the after affects of far too much wine and very little sleep, but I'm sure the shit writing has something to do with it.

Also very confuzzled with time/space in general at the moment...yesterday was so odd that it feels like Sunday, and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself.


silburygirl July 21 2007, 20:28:27 UTC
Ohhhh... Is that what you said? That makes it so much better.

I'm confused too, although the timeline seems to gradually be sorting itself out.


thehalflie July 22 2007, 15:06:00 UTC
I really need to reread it to sort out all the ambiguous stuff...and sentences that are generally written like crap. I just can't bring myself to do that right now...


esthompson July 21 2007, 20:25:18 UTC
I think Snape died from Nagini's venom, not Nagini ripping his throat out. In Ootp, Snape says something like, "Most venoms leave little time for truth-telling", when Umbridge is trying to get Harry to talk, and Snape says he's out of truth serum.

Excellent foreshadowing. Snape doesn't live long, and he uses the few seconds he knows he has to...tell the truth.


silburygirl July 21 2007, 20:30:33 UTC
I just reread that bit and I think you're right. Thanks.

Foreshadowing that clearly went right over my head...


harmony_bites July 22 2007, 20:15:42 UTC
I think it's that I expected so much worse. Especially after hearing all the quotes from JKR about Snape I expected the character I grew to love, the vision of him I got in fanfic would be ripped to pieces. I thought he and AD had arranged things between them before I ever closed Book 6, and I wasn't a fan then, but as time grew close to the release I worried I was wrong.

And I didn't love Harry's growth throughout the book, and the direction she took Dumbledore. You're right though, this AD was pure user and how he treated Snape unforgivable.


silburygirl July 23 2007, 02:08:57 UTC
I've been prepared to watch Snape be ripped to pieces for years, so I was pleased that we got to see a more vulnerable version of him, even if I found the unrequited love a bit much...

Didn't like what she did to Harry either... He became exactly what Dumbledore was trying to shape him into. He spent the entire book doing what he thought Dumbledore had wanted him to do and barely had a reaction at all when he found out that he was the human sacrifice. It's unbearably passive, and more regressive than anything. I think I preferred him being angsty, which says a lot.


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