Demon Dean - Chapter Six

Jun 26, 2014 17:32

Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Six
Author: sil9800
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Metatron
Pairing: GEN - None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence
Word count: 12,619

**DISCLAIMER** I do not own Supernatural or any of the characters portrayed on the show and make no profit from this storytelling; however, I do have the utmost respect for those that do!

After Cas had called to let Sam know they had arrived, Sam told them that Dean would return soon and helped them get Metatron to the dungeon. Fortunately the angels hadn't run into any problems getting to the bunker even though they did have to turn angel radio off due to the overwhelming amount of chatter of seemingly every angel in creation looking for them. Once they got to the dungeon, Gabriel removed the bag from Metatron's head while Sam sat him in a chair surrounded by holy oil and splashed some water on his face, causing him to blink a few times and rub his eyes. Looking up to see the three of them standing there Metatron said, "Hello Castiel. Gabriel. And Sam, good to see you again."

"Suck it Metatron!" Sam said as he struck a match and set the oil on fire. Turning back to Cas and Gabriel he asked, "You're sure he can't just blow it out again, right?"

Gabriel answered, "Nope, without Daddy's little power grid, he should stay put until someone either snuffs out the fire, or snuffs him."

"Really gentlemen, we all know what this is about. No one has killed me yet, so I don't imagine anyone is going to. All the torture in the world hasn't gotten me to talk, so it seems we've come to a bit of an impasse."

Just then Sam's phone rang and seeing it was Dean he said, "I wouldn't be so sure of that if I was you."

As they all left Metatron to stew for a while, surrounded by holy fire, Gabriel asked Cas if they could talk in the main room, privately.

"Of course, what do you need to talk about brother?" Cas asked.

"Yeah, speaking of 'brother,' I've been an alright brother haven't I? I mean yeah, I may have faked my own death running from Luci, but since I've been back, I've been a good brother, right?"

"Of course! Without you I surely would have died by now, and I couldn't have gotten Metatron out of prison without you. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind explaining to me how in holy heaven Metatron knew you were coming to break him out?! And what did he mean when he said 'we all know what this is about' just now?"

"I'd kinda like to know the answer to that myself!" Dean said as he walked into the room with Sam, and a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

"Dean, how are you my friend?" Cas asked reaching out to shake his hand.

"I'm good Cas," Dean said, first checking to make sure he wasn’t holding any demon cuffs again, and accepting the handshake and a bro-hug. Then he turned his attention to Gabriel, "And YOU! Where the hell have you been while we've been busting our asses trying to save this God-forsaken planet?"

"Good to see you again too, Dean. And to answer your question, although I haven't been taking on any evil curses and damning my soul for eternity like some people I know, I've been around." Gabriel said.

"Yeah, whatever," Dean said allowing his duffle bag to fall to the floor next his feet, "let's just get down to business, shall we? Tell me what you need me to get out of him, and everything I need to know before I go in there."

Dean, Sam, and Gabriel then sat down at the table while Cas stood and paced around the room discussing the matters at hand. Although everyone knew the agenda, it was important to lay it out again for Dean. Everything depended on him. So once again Cas explained that the first priority was opening heaven's gates so the reapers can get back to work crossing over the lost souls in the veil. Secondly, the angels needed their wings back so those remaining on earth could fly home immediately. And finally, Cas needed a permanent solution to his fading grace.

"Our top priority however, needs to be getting heaven in working order again. Once that's done..." Cas tried to continue but his knees began to buckle and he had to grab the edge of the table to keep himself standing. Dean jumped up to help his friend to the nearest chair.

"I don't think so Cas," Dean said, "we're going to get your grace back sooner rather than later, one way or another! Gabriel, can you juice him back up again?"

"Sure, but I need to let everyone know something first, and just for the record, I was hoping I wouldn't have to bring this up at all. However, keeping Cas alive, isn't so much a matter of re-charging his grace as it is actually giving him some of mine, so each time I do it, I'm weakening myself at the same time."

Cas suddenly realized Gabriel wasn't just resting from boredom after the last time he had been healed, he was recuperating too! There was no way he would let Gabriel weaken himself further on his behalf and was about to say something when Gabriel beat him to it. "Now don't go looking at me like that with those baby blues, let's not forget I'm an archangel, OK? I've got the extra juice to give; it's just the more I give away, the longer it takes to get back to my original factory settings."

Sam then began to think out loud, "OK, the two of you have pretty much done all the heavy lifting up till now getting Metatron out. Gabriel, if you think he'll be ok for a while, why don't you hold off and just watch him for signs of trouble, but don't hesitate for even a second if you think he needs it! Cas, you can grab one of the rooms in the back and just take it easy for a while."

Gabriel wasn't sure, "And what if Dean needs something while he's in there with Metatron? Not for nothing Sam, but I may be the only one around here that can hold him back!"

Yeah, Dean thought, like that's gonna happen, "I'll be fine Gabriel, and 'not for nothing,' but if I get lost in there, it's gonna be Sam with the only shot in hell of getting through!"

"Dean, how about you help me get settled in back?" Cas asked, so Dean picked up his duffle bag and led Cas to one of the extra bedrooms.

Realizing this was the "alone time" Cas wanted with Dean before the interrogation began, Sam took the hint and grabbed Gabriel's arm, preventing him from getting up to join them. "Let's give them a few minutes."

"I don't like this Sam. There's something going on Cas isn't sharing with the rest of the class." Gabriel said.

"You're probably right, but I trust Cas. Look, he said he wanted to talk to Dean before the big event, so whatever IT is, it's probably what they're talking about right now."

"And you think Dean can handle this? You're not worried he's just going to murder the guy right out of the gate?" Gabriel asked.

"Worried? Sure, but I don't think he will, no. I mean, I'm sure Dean doesn't give two craps about what's going on in heaven or what's needed up there, but I do know he wants to help Cas, and Dean keeps his word."

"Correction bucko, Dean used to keep his word! Who's to say "Demon Dean" will do the same?"

Without hesitation Sam answered by saying, "Even Crowley keeps his word Gabriel, and there's just no way that ANY version of my brother would allow Crowley to best him at anything!"


"Alright Cas, you don't need me to show you where the bathrooms and bed sheets are, so what did you want to talk to me about without the others around?" Dean asked.

"It's about my grace Dean. I think I know where it is, and how to get it back - permanently." Then, in the most soothing monotone he could muster, Cas began telling Dean what he suspected and why, knowing it would make him angry.

Dean saw the light in the room change and felt his rage starting to build as he instinctively held the Mark on his forearm anticipating the impending burn. "SonofaBITCH!" Dean yelled.

Sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at Dean, Cas backed away when he saw his friend's eyes turn black. Realizing what had happened, Dean stepped back as well, then looked away, hoping that would put the angel at ease. "Dammit, I'm sorry you have to see me like this Cas, but I promise I'm not going to hurt you! I hope you can somehow believe me."

"I do believe you Dean, but I can't pretend it's not chilling and a little frightening to see your eyes like that. But as an angel, I can feel your intent as well, and although you plainly intend to kill, I see that you don't intend to kill me."

Well, he could at least be grateful for that much, Dean thought as his eyes shifted back to green. "You ready to make the introductions?"

"I'm ready." Cas replied and they headed down for what was sure to be an uncomfortable night ahead for everyone involved, but none moreso than Metatron!


Metatron looked up when he heard the doors open and saw Cas enter the room. "Well it's about time, are we finally ready to play 'Let's Make a Deal' Castiel?" Metatron asked.

"I'm afraid the time for deals has passed." Cas replied, "You've had your chance for that and remained stubborn in your refusal to restore heaven."

Raising his voice now, Metatron said, "Did you think I was going to give the store away in return for NOTHING? I'm not stupid Castiel, you're the only one that can guarantee my safety to live in peace and keep the angels from throwing me back into that prison again."

Thinking about who was waiting just outside the doors Cas said, "It's not the angels you should be worrying about Metatron. I'm sure it will sound like one of those stupid stories you put in my head, but I'm only going to ask this one time. You know what we want, and this is the only time we're going to ask."

Thinking he still had some chips to bargain with Metatron replied, "Or what Castiel? You're not going to kill me because one, the angels won't allow it, two, the answers you seek would die with me, and three, if you kill me, you and I both know, you'd just be killing yourself!"

"So that's it then. You're not going to do the right thing by your brother's and sister's unless you're set free, is that it?"

Metatron narrowed his eyes and sarcastically replied, "Yeah, That's it 'brother.'"

Cas sighed, "I'm sorry you feel that way, and I wish you would listen to reason. But since that's not going to happen, just remember in the time you have left, that you had your chance and that you brought this on yourself." Cas then stepped outside the bookcase doors and turned back around to face Metatron again, "You are right about one thing though, I'm not going to kill you," then he looked to his right, and back to Metatron, and said, "But HE WILL!"

demon!dean, supernatural, season 10, gen, castiel, fanfic, metatron, sam, gabriel

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