
Jan 13, 2011 11:49

I'm so so glad my pilates classes are finally on again! X-Mas break was way too long and my back was screaming for some stretching :)...I'm thinking about taking up a spinning class, too...but my timetable is already pretty full...I'll think about it.

Mostly I'm trying to keep myself busy 'cause I've been a bit down lately...but since the reason for ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 3

albiondreams January 13 2011, 18:56:46 UTC
Heels pics please :D And aww I love you being geeky, I think I only ever read all the LotR books once, maybe twice, but I <3 them.

And I'm sorry M's making you sad again *huggles* Did you guys get back together or something?

You and Lucy are still my exercise heroes, I seriously need to start, I feel dizzy and tired and nauseous for the better part of each day and it's making me even more useless than usually.


sil684 January 14 2011, 15:07:51 UTC
http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb44/SilFly/Various/ivegotsomenewshoes.jpg <-- Here's the link to the new shoes' pic (let me know if it doesn't work). I'm wearing 'em tonight...hope I won't break anything, lol, but the heels are pretty killer ones...and I'm notoriously clumsy ^^"

Thanks. No, after how he behaved I promised myself to have nothing to do with him anymore...but it makes me sad not having him as a friend anymore.

I'm sorry you're not feeling well *hugs*. Anyway, if you don't feel like taking classes right now you might just start by walking a bit around your neighborhood whenever you feel like it!?


ps1kodel1k April 6 2012, 05:55:02 UTC
С наступившим ДРом! Желаю, чтобы все было, и ничего за это не было


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