(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 11:49

I'm so so glad my pilates classes are finally on again! X-Mas break was way too long and my back was screaming for some stretching :)...I'm thinking about taking up a spinning class, too...but my timetable is already pretty full...I'll think about it.

Mostly I'm trying to keep myself busy 'cause I've been a bit down lately...but since the reason for the down times is Mattia (my silly ex) and there's no use in overthinking the whole thing...well, exhausting myself is my usual solutions.

Talking about more pleasant things: I got myself a pair of killer heels! And man! I love 'em so much I can't stop thinking about all the clothes I can wear 'em with, lol!

And I started re-reading "The Lord of the Rings" for the billionth time...I should know the book by hearth by now. I'm such a Tolkien geek ;D

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