You find a piece of Viking fiction that looks quite good. It's got shieldmaidens. It's got magicians.
Then you discover that the magician are all male - not a völva, not a spækona, not a wife doing simple protection spells with a spindle. And the male magicians and seers aren't even a tiny bit effemminate or even just rumored to be gay. Also, no
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Alas, you're right. We only learn a few things, and then we think that's all that there is to it because nobody ever bothers to tell us otherwise. It's kinda depressing, thinking about the kind of stuff we're missing out on everyday.
Still, one would think that people writing fiction about ancient societies should have the most fun researching on them and getting them right. But that's probably just me having too much faith in mankind again ... *sigh*
You know, Vikings started fascinating me in the first place because it seemed like there was just so little about them. I mean, it was like we had Greeks and Romans handed to us on a silver platter, and there was something about Egyptians too in our textbooks ... but what about them ( ... )
You're welcome, again, and now it's my turn to thank you for the Finnish Tag, 'cause I can't stop laughing! XD It's spot on! If I keep this up, I'm thinking that if I ever get married it's going to be to a Finn.
By the way, I've got something to show you: yesterday a friend of mine linked me this on Facebook and I immediately thought I had to come share it with you!
Even our tastes in men and unlikely marriage dreams match so well! XD I don't know, when I hear that sort of accent I ... okay, at the beginning I just laugh my ass off. XD But then I just get the urge to hug and cuddle a poor unsuspecting Finn - it's just something in the way they talk that makes me want to cheer them up, lol.
... Of course, a poor unsuspecting Finn wouldn't react all that well to crazy foreign girls randomly hugging them, but a girl can dream. XD
(And also the idea of panicking, scared-to-death Finns who just can't handle all the love and PDAs fills me with sadistic glee, but shh.)
Oh. My. LOKI!
That meme is so fucking (... frigging? I thought about about it while writing the Sigyn post and I think I should start using frigging more often) beautiful. And awesome. And brilliant. And just so damn right in everything! XD ( ... )
True, to hug most of them I could probably use a ladder - they're so frigging (yup!) tall! - but who cares, right? I'd be content to hug them at knee level, I'm not choosy. XD
Those poor tall bearded and blondish men, surrounded by mad huggers... That'd be something! I'd most certainly be howling with laughter by the end of it all - that sadistic glee you were talking about? Yeah, I'm guilty as well, you're in good company. *brofist*
IKR? The moment I saw it I knew you would love it too. It's perfect, just perfect. Poor Crowley should win the Guinness World Record for the longest courtship in history. XD
BTW, the fic was absolutely awesome. <3
ALL THE FINNS! YAY! And hugging their knees will prevent them from running away! *-*
We'd probably do more emotional and psychological damage than a horde of drunken mooses running through Helsinki - actually I think that actually happened once, though it was just one moose. But we're fangirls, we're more dangerous and shocking than any moose. XD
I think this sums it up quite nicely. XD
(Sorry, edited for a wrong link.)
Here, let me introduce you...
Fangirls are the most dangerous species on Earth, I dare say. Probably in the universe. So, yes, those poor Finns will be scarred for life. But you know what? I'm not so sure I mind that much. *evil grin ( ... )
Kittens are always a good reason for a little delay - and little Crowley (*-*) is soo cute and adorable! I'd love to cuddle it! <3 Hope the two ladies can adapt to having him around eventually - I did hear cats can be pretty territorial and diffident towards new pets.
I'm actually starting to pity those poor Finns. XD But it's not our fault if they're just so adorable and worthy of fangirly love, after all. They're just asking for it, really. xD
Dunno, he probably did try something - but I guess Az just didn't get it. XD
Lil' Crowley-Loki is currently sleeping on my mum's lap, hence my brief moment of freedom, and the two cat-ladies of the house today seem to be a little less cross with the whole universe, so we're hopeful... On the other hand, if I have to keep up with the crazy sleeping routine for much longer, with the kitten going to sleep well after 2 a.m. and waking up again at 8 a.m., I fear I'll soon become somethink like a zombie. @_@
Finns had it coming! Finns had it coming! They only have themselves to blaaaaaame! *singing*
You're probably right, Az is the most oblivious guy to have ever lived! XD
Hope you can get some decent sleep soon. :)
If you had seen them! If you had heard them! I betcha you would have done the same!
... Okay, I've never even seen Chicago, but I found the song on youtube some time ago and quickly discovered I love it to death. XD
I can just imagine Crowley trying to be all seductive and stuff and Az being all like "are you trying to tell me something, dear?" XD
Oh, I love Chicago. I even saw it live in London, quite a few years ago, and that song is probably my absolute favourite - isn't it gorgeous? Our cute variation is even better than the original, though! ;P
Exactly! Plus, every time I think about that I want to write something silly about the two of them and their never-ending bickering. <3
Going to London and watching a musical there is one of the experiences I definetly want to have. ** And that song is made of awesome, I'm in love with the Hungarian chick and the one whose husband cheated on her with her sister. **
You know, I'm now imagining SATW characters singing it ... XD
Doitdoitdoit. Writeitwriteitwriteit. *-*
The bickering is easily one of my favourite things about Good Omens. The whole thing about dolphins and birds and the Sound of Music still makes me giggle everytime I think about it! XD
I've been to London only once and I managed to go see both Chicago and The Lion King (which I highly recommend, btw!) and it was so great an experience that since that holiday I've wanted to go back and spend the entire time frolicking in theatres! Musicals and prose both, actually: one of my dreams is to go to The Globe, you know... *w*
I probably will, I've been thinking about bits & pieces of dialogue between those two all day long! XD
Come on, I'm sure he can still be adorable - at least when he sleeps. XD
The Lion King! ** That's one I've always wanted to see, together iwth Avenue Q and Camelot. Oh, and Spamalot! XD
I've never been to London, though hopefully next year's school trip will fix that - if we manage not to fuck everthing up, we already had a bit of drama with school trips this year.
Going to see The Globe is a great dream, and one I share wholeheartedly.:3
Let me know if you do! *-*
Spamalot? Never heard of it, but it sounds fun. Makes me think of Monty Python! XD
You're going to love London, it's a magnificent city. AND it's got more theatre than you can possibly want, so for me it's the best! XD
I've once seen Shakespeare's The Tempest in The Globe replica that's built inside Villa Borghese, in Rome, but to be in the original? I know I'll probably have a heart attack, when I finally manage to go, but it'll be well worth it!
I certainly will. :3 Oh, by the way, that cat-nurturing-Crimilde idea is glad to be put to good use. <3
Have a few songs! :)
Yeah, I know I'm gonna love it. *w* And the more theatre,the merrier! <3
Wow, that sounds amazing! *-*
YAY! <3 I'm glad, and I'm meditating on making the cat scratch Siegfrid, if I can find a nice place to put that scene. XD
And just to add to the general levity, watch this. I'm currently scouting for prompts (SPOILERS!) and this has been my soundtrack for the last couple of hours. XD
Well said, darling! You got a BIG theatre lover, here, you know... *w*
OH PLEASE DO IT! If Siegfried gets scratched by a fluffy lovely cat (or more than one?) I'm going to be the happiest girl in the world! XD
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