Geoff's course in Paris

Sep 01, 2014 14:42

vesta_venus's post about French language training reminded me that I haven't posted about G's next semester. In January, if all goes well, he will be studying in Paris for four months. The courses are all in English, but he will need to live in French outside the classroom. This should be entertaining. His French, to put it mildly, est épouvantable. Il est ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

vesta_venus September 1 2014, 18:54:28 UTC
Why is youth wasted on the young?

Ask me if I'd rather spend 4 months learning French in Paris or walking across the Portage Bridge in our -35 windchill.


siglinde99 September 1 2014, 19:28:50 UTC
While living in a dumpy French university residence, without your family?


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