Geoff's course in Paris

Sep 01, 2014 14:42

vesta_venus's post about French language training reminded me that I haven't posted about G's next semester. In January, if all goes well, he will be studying in Paris for four months. The courses are all in English, but he will need to live in French outside the classroom. This should be entertaining. His French, to put it mildly, est épouvantable. Il est pénible. Il est presque inéxistant. He is trying to figure out how to take a French course, work full time (he got a co-op placement doing marketing for the Heart and Stroke Foundation), be on the Commerce Society executive, and play hockey. This should be highly entertaining.

In the meantime, I have armed him with a French-English dictionary and my beloved Bescherelle book of verb conjugations, and instructions to see what he can find on-line.

We also sat down and had a heart-to-heart about what was required for the program. He now realizes that almost all the paperwork requirements are his responsibility, and that he needs to get answers from the school about a few points. Originally, he seemed to think that if he handed me the package I would sort it all out for him. More importantly, we went through the financials, and he has agreed to put away all but about $150 from each paycheck to cover the rent in Paris. The rent costs will be approximately $500 more than I am currently paying for his rent in Halifax, and he needs to come up with the difference.

I'm not sure that he has registered yet that there will not be unlimited travel around Europe. At least he is no longer talking about a trip to Dublin for St Patrick's Day.


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