knocking the rust off

Aug 23, 2012 21:38

Back to aikido after vacation always feels a little bit like starting from the beginning again, but I did well enough. A few muscles are sore past the "in a good way" point, because I was helping someone work through their test and had a few more than usual techniques done on the same side, but that's about it. Last class I got winded, which is ( Read more... )

tatteredcloakuponastick, aikido, work, mirrorofvanity

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Comments 1

anonymous August 24 2012, 14:01:58 UTC
The feeling of incompetence at work goes with any job, I think, except minimum wage food service jobs. I felt really good at the Cookie CO. But to everyone else, you're doing a great job. Try to see yourself through our eyes and realize everyone else feels the same way about their jobs that you do about yours.

I remember when we first started grad school, I was really intimidated. A few weeks in, by talking to others, I realized everyone else felt exactly the same. Crying at night, panic, that sort of thing. Then we all bonded much better because we were all in the same boat.


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