knocking the rust off

Aug 23, 2012 21:38

Back to aikido after vacation always feels a little bit like starting from the beginning again, but I did well enough. A few muscles are sore past the "in a good way" point, because I was helping someone work through their test and had a few more than usual techniques done on the same side, but that's about it. Last class I got winded, which is just plain embarrassing.

Second therapy appointment tomorrow. Hoping to really start working on things. I've been sort of up and down with the anxiety, and work being stressful doesn't really help. I have a lot of baggage around being competent enough to do my job, making good decisions without constantly second-guessing myself, all that jazz. There are times when I think I should be in a nice, safe, stupid job where I can't do any damage and never have to make a decision.

Reading a ton of free classics on my Kindle - all the stuff I meant to get around to someday. I'm also partway through my first Kelly Armstrong book, which I'm enjoying a lot. Also also, rereading Kushiel's Dart and debating whether to get the rest of the trilogy or not.

tatteredcloakuponastick, aikido, work, mirrorofvanity

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