In honor of Spring, a channeled reading session!

Mar 22, 2014 21:05

Hello everyone! This is it yet again, channeled readings and Hero's Deck drawings from yours truly, with the lovely goddess Astarte (nee Ishtar, nee Noe'e).

As with last time (and every time), one question will be answered freely by Astarte. Donations are optional. If you donate $5 or more, you may ask another question if you wish. Hero's Deck readings are freely available at all times while this post is open, and often included with a channeled reading.

This weekend's session will last from the time this post goes up, until 10PM Eastern US time on Monday March 24th. (Note that the US has had its time change already, and is sprung forward one hour in most areas.)

Who is Astarte? Astarte, also called Ishtar, who is and was Noe'e, is a goddess of Civilization. Astarte is the more Queenly aspect (Queen Warrior, specifically) while Ishtar is a more Sexual aspect (passion and self-confidence are both important for war and love, and wisdom for maintaining society in the face of them). Noe'e was a goddess of dragonkind, Mother of Comfort being one of her titles (as a protector and shelter against adversity, as well as a source of abundance).

What is the Hero's Deck? The Hero's Deck is an oracle deck, a set of thirty-six cards organized in the three categories of heroic Archetypes, heroic Gifts, and heroic Challenges. It is based primarily in the idea of the Hero's Journey and the ways in which we are each the hero of our own life story.

And since donations are involved, here is a PayPal button; if you prefer another means of donating, such as barter, Bitcoins, or cash, feel free to PM me. Private readings are also available if you like, though after this session closes there is a fixed cost.

Now the disclaimer: While I and many others believe in what I do, the Federal government does not and classifies it as a form of entertainment. I am not licensed to practice law, medicine, accountancy, hair-dressing or other licensed professional work, but I do claim license to speak my mind. I'm happy to give you what wisdom I can, but if you have questions like that, please also consult a professional in the relevant category, who may have other answers to give you.

hero's deck, my calling, channeling

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