Who: Melone (
babyfaced_killa) and Ashura (
What: A visit to a recovering friend.
When: After
this post.
Where: Teepee 48
Summary: Since Melone got injured by Kuro, Ashura has been worried for him. Now that sie knows he isn't dead, sie's coming by to check on him!
Rating: Historic moment here- A PG Melone log!
We all need somebody to lean on )
Comments 27
"Come on in, sweetness," Melone called to her. The assassin was dressed only in in some rainbow colored pajamas that Ghiaccio had found for him and thought he'd like (he was right, of course). Not even the mask was worn...a bandage covering most of Melone's forehead and temple. There was evidence of scarring from where the mask had been worn, but it they obviously were not from his current wound.
A bright smile lit up the child's face at the sight of him, and sie entered the room fully, dropping the flap behind hir. "How are you feeling?" Ashura asked, stepping a bit closer. Sie was really happy to see Melone all right--when sie'd thought he was dead, it had been awful. The bad Ashura had gotten really loud, and sie couldn't stop thinking about things that had gone wrong...but now...now it was better.
He set aside the busted laptop and stretched slightly as he adjusted his place in the bed to better face Ashura. Such a precious sight such innocence was...
"I'm sorry I worried you, dearest. It was never my intention to actually get hurt out there. But it seems that my ability to craft homonculi has been severed. Baby Face is very upset with me as a result."
Sie walked over to Melone, offering the flowers sie'd picked to him. "Ashura thought since you can't go outside, it would be good to bring something for decoration!"
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