Apr 19, 2008 11:46
[In a tone far too serious for a child Ashura's age] Whoever hurt Melone...Ashura wants to talk to you.
[Private, very easily hacked]
Is he dead? They always...everyone always...is it Ashura's fault? Whenever I come close to someone...it always ends like this! Why can't Ashura get away from it???
Is Melone gone? He hasn't said anything for a long time...No...He can't...No! Ashura won't let people get hurt anymore!
And Yasha...he's not here, either. Did Ashura do something? We...we had a promise. Why hasn't he come to find Ashura?
Maybe it's good that he hasn't. He should be safe. Ashura wouldn't want--[Sie chokes slightly on the words]--wouldn't want Yasha to be hurt any more. He's safer where Ashura can't...can't be near him...[soft sob] Yasha can't die, too...! But...A-Ashura doesn't want to be alone...
Why does this always happen??
[Ashura's words dissolve into sobs, and after a little while the recording cuts off]