Thank you very much! /sarcasm

Dec 29, 2018 23:14

Just found out that 2019's starting out crappy on several fronts.

First off, my cardiologist has retired, so I have to find another that fits into my crazy schedule, is covered by my health insurance, and is on public transportation.

Second, my preferred caseworker no longer works at my "bank" and the PiA is back I wish that I knew which auto was hers so I could put several cats in it (she's allergic to them) and having her out for several weeks would be so helpful. She's not sure why I would need a state ID since I "don't use it for anything."

Third, my food share allotment has been cut from $35US to $27US, so I need to get on energy assistance, and I need a current photo ID with my address on it. To top it all off, bus fares have doubled for those who are on reduced-fare programs. Having two or three doctor's appointments a week that are too far to walk sucks unfiltered Flint, Michigan water imho. Then there's the cost for glasses and shoes (both prescriptions!)

Fourth, I have to get my flatmates to a veterinarian to get them updated on their vaccinations, which costs good money one way or another. If I get one that makes housecalls, I have to find a way to pay him/her (no bank account due to identity theft.)
The problem with all this is covered in rant #2. The low-cost vet clinic run by the local animal shelter requires getting them there on public transportation (gotta get them in their carriers without getting mauled, otherwise they won't let me on the bus with them.)

Finally, Drumpf & Co. have partially shut down the government the less said about that, the better.

If it wasn't for contraindications with my medications, I'd drink myself under the table.

#2, rant-of-the-day

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