A game/post from missdiane (not c/p from hers)

Jun 16, 2019 20:48

More of the curious unexpected topics meme.

If you wish to participate, let me know in the comments, and I will give you three topics, or spheres of interest, which I think that you're not interested in, or maybe you'll surprise me with the interest and/or knowledge. Then you talk about the topics in your journal.

My topics were:

1) KPop: I'm not that familiar with it (more familiar with JPop, and that's through the sh!t that the "idols" go through for/from their "fans".) Hell, the man who initially voiced Levi in Attack on Titan lost his fooking job because he had the audacity to get married and father a child

2) Chess Pie: Mom was from Chattanooga, and some of my former and current neighbors are/were from "Down South". Oh, and I have a few recipes for it, too

3) GMOs: Everything that you eat/drink/wear/pet is a GMO, one way or another. Maybe not through a laboratory, but everything is somehow genetically modified through millennia, whether by knowingly crossing plants/animals or through happenstance. Hell, just look at the differences in wild bananas and "cultivated" bananas, or the differences between the ancestors of corn/wheat and what we buy at the farmer's markets/grocery stores!
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