What A Week

Oct 30, 2015 17:08

First of all, belated Happy National Cat Day for those in the United States it was yesterday, and Tovarish (aka She-Who-Demands-to-be-Obeyed) wouldn't let me forget it. If you live under the paw of a feline, give him/her an extra scratch along the lower jawline for me.

Okay, now down to the kvetching/ranting...

I finally got my storage locker assignment for my new apartment, but I cannot get my stuff downstairs due to the fact that I cannot get my hands on the little carts they provide for the complex. I don't want to even try taking the stuff I want to store down into the basement, especially the set of dishes that could/would free up quite a bit of space in my kitchen it's too bloody heavy, plus too bloody fragile to risk carrying them over to the elevator, much less down the stairs. And, on top of that, someone has been breaking the hasps on the different lockers, not just my currently empty one.

On top of that, I found out that one of my new neighbors was just evicted from her apartment courtesy of the City. As far as I know, I never met the person. Unfortunately it wasn't "The Pest" or the guy next door to me.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for my 2013 Homestead refund my former landlords still cannot seem to do their math, sending in rent receipts that total more than I have ever taken in. I'm supposed to be getting back at least $1,000 for 2013 which I could use for required stuff, like a cushion for food/medical/utilities/school/etc.... Plus my caseworker had to cancel our appointment for today after I waited close to an hour and a half for her.

Above all, I just had a small "discussion" with a kid about when is a proper time to interrupt her father while he's doing his important homework I think he was working on a paper for a class in his major, and asking him to help her with her games is not one of the times. I kinda wish that I could bring my service cat with me to school I could've had peace and quiet as would the girl's father, and the girl would be distracted by a member of the superior species (who wouldn't take any sh!t from any kids). At least the girl and her father are gone for now, just in time for the indigents to come. Oops, I spoke too soon. The girl and her father are back...

And then there's Halloween tomorrow. *headdeskwallbuilding* I hope I can get a copy of Poe and a Sheridan le Fanu collection to read by candlelight.

I think I'll try to get a swig of some hard stuff when I get home tonight.

ETA: A kid has just been arrested for underage drinking or something like that. He was escorted out in handcuffs just now. *sigh* When will they learn?
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