A Few Thoughts On Michael Jackson

Jun 26, 2009 22:15

My views on the death of Michael Jackson may piss some folks off. These are my opinions and in no way reflect the opinions of the station or management.
If you read the disclaimer and want to see what I have to say, proceed. Don’t say you haven’t been warned... )

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Comments 10

moodymuse June 27 2009, 04:12:36 UTC
he might have been considered a freak, but so are many of us. He believed in giviing his chiidren, regardless of fame, the best childhood he could. He did so.

Thriller was one of the few albums I purchased.

i think it is definitely over-publicised. Let the man rest in peace


sideshowbennie June 27 2009, 04:45:10 UTC
I do have to respectfully disagree with you on a couple of points. Yeah, many of us are considered 'freaks' but he took it to new heights of fucked uppedness...

...and regarding 'his' children, according to that long ass Michael Jackson news report tonight, all 3 children were conceived using a sperm doner, so he has no actual DNA connection to any of the children. He had them created for his enjoyment, much like you would have custom suit made. And dangling your kid off a balcony and making them wear mardi gras masks in public, and gawd knows what in private, doesn't sound to me like 'the best childhood he could...'


salomesensei June 27 2009, 04:34:45 UTC
Rock on, Bennie. I haven't posted because I have more negative than positive to purge. He was a mess. He was seriously mentally ill. He didn't get help because he was a star, protected by his wealth in a little world of his own.

That said, I can still remember the first time I saw Thriller at a bar and we all were amazed that a music video could be "like that."

And earlier, I remember watching the film Willard and the Ben song made me cry.

Earlier than that, I remember ABC and the Jacksons version of Rockin Robin. I liked Donny Osmond better. Probably because he was white, though I couldn't have said that then. "Go Away Little Girl" was chosen over a Jacksons 45 as my first record.

So there you have it. I'm sorry he never got help. He was a talented guy.



sideshowbennie June 27 2009, 04:53:43 UTC
I agree with you on the Thriller video and others he did. Either he, or the people he chose to work with during that period, were genuis's in that field and certainly changed the genre.

I was given the 'Ben' album as a gift. Imagine that. LOL. It is still around here somewhere.


cuddlebunni3 June 27 2009, 04:48:46 UTC
That's the most reasonable post on this I've seen so far. Posts have been either over the top negative or over the top positive/nostalgic. I am a child of the 80's and Micheal Jackson was part of the soundtrack of my early teens. I liked him well enough in those years but I can't ever seem to get attached to people I have no contact with... I never got the personal attachment to celebraties. Maybe it's cause I didn't grow up in a first world country. Anyway, I can't mourn him but I don't celebrate his death either. He may have been a weirdo, he may have even been a child molester but he was also a person with a family and a very tragic life... some of his making/choosing and some of all the rest of "us" who elevated him to god-like status and rewarded him with obscene amounts of money and the power that goes with it.


sideshowbennie June 27 2009, 05:12:44 UTC
Like you, I won't mourn nor celebrate his death. I hate to hear about anyone dying, especially folks younger than me.

I do hate the whole obsession with celebrities that reaches a point where celebrity news is reported as genuine news of consequence. Unless, of course, it is an obsession with me and my own celbrity. That's entirely different...


anonymous June 27 2009, 06:53:13 UTC
I too like the way you approached this. Kudos on being honest without beating him into the ground. Yes the man had talent.. yes the man was probably extremely delusional, and i personally think he was probably a child molester.. but not for me to judge so i'm truly sorry to hear of his untimely passing. I do think that his "children" have had and will continue to have a horrible childhood and i hope that i am wrong about that,, but imagine the unwelcomed attention that has forever been drawn into their lives simply because of who their "father" was. they may have privelages we will never know because of their financial status but at what cost to their mental growth and health? I think i would rather be a plain old kid from an average home with parents who are the normal kind of crazy. But enough about that.. I was a fan in the eighties and still dig his tunes and respect his talents. may he find the peace and love in death that he so desperately seeked in life. rest in peace michael.. you will forever live on in your music. btw ( ... )


idav5d June 27 2009, 10:51:50 UTC
NBC Evening News? now that's entertainment!


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