LJ Idol - Topic 10 - Whose LJ is it??

Jan 16, 2008 23:11

When I was in the sixth and seventh grades, I was sent to a school that was sponsored by the Church of Christ. They hammered scripture into us constantly. This is one of the reasons I take such devious glee when some unwitting christian decides they want to 'witness' to me. I can quote scripture with the best of them and I enjoy toying with them. But I digress...

One of the things I recall a teacher telling the class was that we should never do anything that we wouldn't want to have printed on the front page of the newspaper for all to see. That was back in the pre-internet days of the late 60's.

Now, the front page of the local, no, global newspaper is my LJ page. I write about my life and the things I have on my mind and the adventures I have on the road. Some folks are interested in my shenanigans and some folks are disgusted by them but it is all out there for whoever wants to keep up with my life to see.

I drive nails into my head for a living. I have been on the Discovery Channel, VH-1 and several other networks doing my act. I am known in my field around the world. I obviously have no shame so I can't imagine not putting whatever I have on my mind for all to see. I am also one month away from turning 54 years old. I have finally reached a chronological age to match my curmudgeonly age. I am offically old enough to know better and also old enough not to worry about what folks think. Most of my future is behind me now so I am just working on giving friends and family enough stories to keep them shaking their heads and telling tales long after I shuffle off this mortal coil.

So why in the world would I censor my LJ just because someone might read it and misconstrue what I have to say? I mean, like my other significant other says, 'what are they going to do? Take away my birthday??'
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