Weird Dreams...

Jan 22, 2008 09:40

I am something of a political junkie. I love this time of year when we are having a major election. I love the mudslinging and the name calling, all the smokey backroom deals and just the entire nasty process.

But now, things have gone too far and it is disturbing my sleep...

My sleep last night was just shitty because I kept having this weird series of dreams. The main one that woke me up all pissed off went like this: Rudy Giuliani set up his campaign headquarters in my house. Now before we go any further, I am not a Giuliani supporter by any means. I think he would possibly be an even worse president than the boob in there now. No wait. Let's not call him a boob because that gives real boobs a bad name. But I digress) Rudy decided that he was going to store all his campaign literature in my office. They loaded it all in and I was stunned to see that all his literature consisted of large stacks of meatloaf. Every time you cut a big slab off the main loaf, when you looked inside, all it said was 9/11.

I woke up thinking, 'what the fuck is that about??'

I need a nap...
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