
Oct 29, 2010 15:53

Title -  Sightseeing
Author - sid_vicious_03 
Rating - PG13
Pairings - Eames/Arthur
Word count - 3745
Warnings - Probably incorrect French, not my fault though,
Disclaimers - I don’t own Inception or any of the characters, sadly.
Notes - If the French is incorrect, I'm not the blame, online translators are, my own French skills used to be good, but they aren't any more. And Sorry for just posting one thing after the other, just needed to get this up before the vacation started.

Summary -      On a free day of work, Eames wants to see the catacombs, Arthur disagrees and takes Eames with him and Ariadne to see the Notre Dame. And Arthur soon pays for ignoring Eames wishes and ends up the most embarrassed he has ever been.


’’Please, can’t you try to behave a little bit? Not entire of Paris needs to know you much rather would have stayed at the hotel room to do other things.’’ Arthur growled annoyed to Eames and removed the hand that Eames so skillfully had placed on his ass.

Eames just snickered a bit and moved the hand back to Arthur’s body, this time on his lower back instead so Arthur wouldn’t remove it. The white shirt that Arthur wore worked as a barrier, the much hated vest that made the barrier bigger was hanging over Arthur’s arm instead. Despite it being a hot summer day, Arthur refused to wear anything else but the suit. Unlike Eames and Ariadne who were dressed after the weather.

‘’But I want to see the catacombs.’’ Eames whined to Arthur then, Ariadne smirked and drank some more of the milkshake she had bought at McDonalds. ‘’I can’t believe I’m in line for French Architecture, I don’t give a bloody damn about a church, and a catholic church on top of that.’’ Eames said and nodded over to the Notre Dame. Wrapping his arms around the thinner frame of Arthur and rested his chin against Arthur’s shoulder, also wanting to make it a bit hotter for him then he had planned with. Arthur was already suffering in the boiling sun only, he didn’t need Eames hanging over him.

‘’Notre Dame is not a church, it’s a cathedral, big difference Mr. Eames.’’ Arthur said simply and used the folder he held in his hand to blow some wind into his face and neck, although it wasn’t quite successful since Eames stole most of it.

‘’Whatever, it’s still catholic.’’ Eames mused into Arthur’s ear then and smirked a bit before he let go of him. Finding that it was to warm for him to hold on himself now, if he was wearing a tank top and his swim shorts, and Eames was sure that by the time the day was over, he would have tanned a little bit. ‘’The catacombs are much cooler you know? Because they are underground, and please Ariadne, you have to agree on me with this point, long corridors with skulls and bones as decoration is much more interesting than a church.’’ He said and pointed over to the Notre Dame.

‘’Cathedral.’’ Arthur corrected again, he had stopped fanning with the folder and was now looking with a longing gaze to the ice cream cart. Even if he probably wouldn’t admit it out loud.

Ariadne just snickered and shook her milkshake a bit to check how much was still in it, then looked to Eames. ‘’I’m an Architect student, do you really think I’ll choose Catacombs over a cathedral?’’ She smirked to him, then looked over her shoulder, searching for a trash can as Eames sighed heavily.

‘’Arthur please.’’ Eames whined and placed his temple against Arthur’s shoulder which only had him roll his eyes slightly. At least his attention from the ice cream cart was broken, but Ariadne’s attention had only started, she had run of to throw away the remains of the milkshake and moved in line for ice cream.

‘’You’ll get to see them some other time. But not now.’’ Arthur said and started fanning again. Eames smirked a bit, he found it adorable how Arthur suffered in the heat but he didn’t want to confess it. He leaned over to place a kiss in Arthur’s neck, feeling a very faint taste of salt on his lips. And just because he heard the German lady behind them gasp out, he decided to pull it all a little bit further. Letting the tip of his tongue stroke Arthur’s skin from the base of his neck up to his hair line, which alone was enough for Arthur to shiver. Eames smirked as he heard the woman behind them mumble to her husband and gave Arthur’s cheek a kiss.

‘’So, the sex life is good I suppose?’’ Ariadne asked with an evil smirk Eames hadn’t seen on her yet before she licked at some of her strawberry ice cream. Getting a killer glare from Arthur that very quickly changed to a longing gaze as he saw the ice cream.

‘’It’s terrific darling!’’ Eames said cheerfully. Arthur just sighed and rolled his eyes before he took two steps away from Eames, as if he was trying to avoid being seen with him. Most partners would have taken that as an insult, but Eames found it adorable. He just loved teasing Arthur since it was easily done. The man was like a spaceship only consisting of the beautiful red ‘do not touch’ buttons. ‘’Arthur doesn’t say much like this, but you should hear him in bed. It’s a constant rambling of commands and god and fuck and so on, and he really loves when you get a grip of his hair and~’’ Eames didn’t get much further.

‘’That’s enough Eames! She doesn’t need to know all of that!’’ Arthur snapped and glared to Eames who just broke out in a snicker, and Ariadne did the same when she saw the faint blush on Arthur’s cheeks. Although she wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or from the heat, whatever the reason was, it was far to fitting really.

‘’Come on, I’m just telling her what she wants to know.’’ Eames said then and smirked, kissing Arthur on his cheek even if he soon got pushed away.

‘’Stay away from me.’’ Arthur growled simply and crossed his arms over his chest, locking the vest between his arms and chest, looking to the Notre Dame and prayed to god that they would be inside soon, that way he could get rid of Eames for at least a good half hour hopefully. And the prayer should work, after all, he was almost inside it, prayers worked better in churches and cathedrals right? Arthur just glared back to Eames when he heard his snicker. ‘’Go make yourself useful and go get me some ice cream.’’ Arthur then said and nodded over to the ice cream cart.

‘’On it darling.’’ Eames said and left the line, already pulling out the wallet out of the back pocket to his bathing shorts which by the look of it, had to be at least twenty years old, and that was Arthur’s wild guess as he looked after him.

‘’Why are you dating him if he irritates you so much?’’ Ariadne interrupted his thoughts which made him look to her, then back to Eames who now desperately tried to make himself understood to the old man who owned the ice cream cart. Arthur raised his shoulders a bit, he himself didn’t know why. He preferred to tell people that it was complicated, but more than half of the time they weren’t happy with that explanation.

‘’He makes me feel calmer.’’ Arthur said then and looked back to her, and he knew the full blown irony of it all. Eames did stress him an awfully lot to, but at the same time with Eames relaxed attitude around him all the time, he also learned to say ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ or ‘Just a five minute break’. And that had done a lot, his sleep had improved, his stomach had stopped aching and he didn’t feel his heartbeat race in his throat all the constant time.

Ariadne just raised her eyebrow a bit, still licking at her own ice cream. ‘’I see.’’ She hummed and looked ahead of herself. And just like Arthur had thought, she was one of those who found it a bit weird. But he didn’t think much of it since Eames returned with an ice cream for him and a water bottle for himself. Arthur didn’t even thank him when he took the ice cream and tried it out, immediately hearing the angels sing in the back of his head.

‘’You know, I did start to pick up some French.’’ Eames said and showed the small pocket book containing French phrases, proudly showing it to Ariadne and Arthur before he drank some of the water. ‘’And I must say, I think I’m doing a quite good job.’’ Eames said and screwed the cap of the bottle back.

‘’Oh really?’’ Arthur said and cleaned his mouth with the napkin he had gotten with the ice cream. ‘’Et comment doit je pour croire que vous pouvez vraiment parler le français dans juste une question de jours ?’’ Arthur said, but all Eames heard was different sounds but no single word in there anyway. The look on Eames face alone made Arthur smirk some before he ate more ice cream. ‘’Thought so.’’ Ariadne just laughed a bit at the happening and tossed away the napkin she had gotten with her own ice cream.

‘’Okey my French isn’t that good.’’ Eames said and leaned over to kiss Arthur on is lips. ‘’But I do know some words.’’ He murmured before he gave him one last kiss. Then he took a lick of Arthurs ice cream before he backed away again.

‘’I don’t believe you.’’ Arthur said, but the smile proved that he just was joking , and it made him look adorable. For a second Eames regretted the fact that he didn’t have his camera with him, it would have been a fantastic picture to keep in his wallet, especially if Arthur just was eating his ice cream. He could always use his phone after all, so Eames pulled it out of his pocket and started the camera, better to be prepared.

‘’Oh really?’’ Eames grinned a bit to him, then he tilted his head to the side. ‘’Je m’appelle Eames, et j’aime toi Arthur.’’ He could literally see the surprised look In Arthur’s eyes as he said the last sentence. It wasn’t that it was something new to say to them, they did say it, although I hate you showed up more often then I love you. But Arthur’s surprised look softened rather quickly, and soon he was smiling to Eames, showing his dimples on both cheeks.

‘’J’aime toi aussie, monsieur Eames.’’ Arthur said simply, on a much more fluent French then Eames and licked at his ice cream again. Eames just raised his shoulders to that and kissed him.

‘’Who can’t?’’ He asked then and resisted the urge to grin when he heard Ariadne mumble something that sounded like lovebirds. Instead he moved his focus to Arthur’s ice cream, placing his hand over Arthur’s and slowly licked at the vanilla flavored ice cream, keeping his gaze on Arthur’s dark brown eyes.

‘’If you get me horny in public Eames, then I will never forgive you.’’ Arthur said after barely five seconds, which on the other hand had Ariadne burst out laughing. And when she did that, Eames snickered, and once he had snickered once he fell into the trap of laughing as well, letting go of Arthur’s hand and traced it through his hair. Arthur just stood there, smirking and held his ice cream before he ate some more, working on finishing it since they almost where inside. ‘’I can have my comments to you know.’’ He stated as he threw away the napkin, voice a bit muffled since he still had ice cream in his mouth, which numbed his tongue.

Arthur made Eames pay for all three of them, which the Brit was less happy about, but he stood up with it and paid. Once inside the cathedral, both Ariadne and Arthur went off to a direction of their own so they could get the best out of it. Both wanting to enjoy their day of to the fullest, and Eames just stood there, watching them and wishing he was at the catacombs instead. But at least it was chilly inside.

After fifteen minutes, he still hadn’t managed to get Arthur’s attention and had just repeatingly been told to piss of. Eames was a bit amused by the fact that Arthur didn’t say fuck of, which he did otherwise, but not in a church, or a cathedral. Eames didn’t care what it was. To him it was just a big bloody catholic building. And after thirty minutes he started to wonder how much more time you could spend in a big bloody catholic building. So he decided to use his best efforts to get Arthur outside. He had found him admiring a painting, just watching him for a while.

‘’Arthur!’’ he then yelled out, getting the point mans attention on his own body instead of whatever body was on the painting. Eames couldn’t help but grin, it would be so priceless, and even Ariadne was looking to him now. ‘’Je veux te baiser!’’ He then yelled out. It wasn’t just every muscle in Arthurs body that froze, every other French speaking person in the cathedral froze and looked to Eames. And to Arthur who unmistakably had gone red from the incident. Now Eames didn’t know if it was fury or if it was embarrassment, but he guessed on a mix of both.

Ariadne had the eyes that resembled a deer as she looked to Eames, jaw having fallen just slightly from shock. And those who had understood what Eames said, now started mumbling to one another, which only seemed to fuel to color in Arthur’s face. ‘’Je sais que vous le voulez.’’ Eames added then and raised his shoulders just slightly, he couldn’t resist it. He could hear Ariadne choke back on the laughter as the rest of the cathedral once more gasped. Eames gritted his teeth, it was even more priceless then he thought it would be.

‘’I told you I know French Arthur darling, now come on.’’ Eames said and raised his arm to Arthur, gesturing some with his fingers to sign Arthur to come over to him. And the look on Arthurs face was completely numbed. He didn’t even look mad anymore, just confused. ‘’Allez.’’ Eames then added. Arthur closed his mouth, just looking at Eames. Then he walked over to him, rather furiously and did his best to ignore the murmurs from the people that stared to them. And Eames thought Arthur looked calm enough to survive the coming hour without becoming castrated, but when he felt Arthur’s grip on his arm he just had to wince and followed Arthur wherever he wanted to go.

At some point, Eames was sure that Arthur would bruise his arm and that he would be left with purple marks on it in the morning. And the power of his grip didn’t ease until they were in the hotel room. And the second Arthur let go of his arm, he started yelling at Eames. Eames didn’t do much more than just stand there and take it all straight to his face. Barely twenty seconds later Eames found out Arthur had a kink for just hearing him speak French and they already were on the bed, tangled together.

The sun was the main reason Arthur woke up the next morning, although he discovered he had overslept with a couple of minutes. He placed his hand on his eyes and rubbed them, for a couple of seconds only listening to Eames soft snoring. Arthur sighed deeply and removed his hand from his eyes, then looked to Eames over his shoulders.

Arthur just looked at the forger for a while, then he sneaked out of his grip and went to the bathroom. When Arthur had showered, brushed his teeth, gotten dressed and fixed his hair approximately 45 minutes later, Eames was still sleeping and Arthur actually had a creeping feeling in his gut. Even if they had wound up in bed after the scolding Arthur had given him. Arthur has till kept lunging insults to Eames during the act. So he took his notebook and scribbled down that he was sorry, ripped out the page and put it on his own pillow.

He gave Eames one last glance, smiled weakly and then placed a kiss on Eames cheek which just had him grumble a bit. Arthur frowned and added one simple thing on the paper.

PS: Shave

Arthur smirked to himself and then left the hotel room. Deciding that he would walk to the warehouse and on his way pick up some coffee on the way, Eames always brought breakfast. He unlocked the warehouse and stepped inside, hearing that he wasn’t the first one there for a change. He could hear Ariadne’s voice speaking and Yusuf and Saito laugh, and if Arthur wasn’t mistaken, he heard Cobb chuckle.

Arthur left the warehouse unlocked, otherwise Eames would call and beg for someone to let him in. Sipping of his coffee, Arthur read over yesterdays notes in his notebook as he walked over to the room where the others where. He pushed the door open to the offices, just in time to hear Ariadne speak up again.

‘’And then Eames screams out, all over Notre Dame, Arthur! Je veux te baiser!’’ Ariadne said and even demonstrated it with a pose, Arthur’s head snapped up as he glared to her. ‘’That means I’d like to fuck you.’’ She then said to the confused faces of the three other males before they started laughing. Yusuf getting cramps after barely a second and put his hand on his ribcage, Saito covered his mouth with his hand and Cobb looked like he would die from laughter. ‘’After having enjoyed Arthur’s very confused and shocked face, Eames finishes with this, Je sais que vous le voulez. Which means, I know you want to.’’

Yusuf kept laughing, soon murmuring ouch as he pressed his hand deeper to his ribcage. Saito was crying a little bit and Cobb probably died a little bit inside. Arthur entered the room, then slammed the door shut behind himself, loud enough so all four of them flinched and turned around to look at Arthur. Yusuf and Saito had to prevent themselves from a giggle fit. Cobb played smart, got serious and went back to his own desk with his chair and Ariadne looked as if she just had seen the reaper.

‘’That, was definitely uncalled for.’’ Arthur said on a cold tone which had traces of both venom and poison. Arthur threw his coffee into the trash with such a force that the trash can got knocked over. ‘’You had no right to tell that story to anybody!’’ Arthur then yelled to her which made Ariadne flinch again, and tried to make herself smaller then she already was.

‘’There is no need to get mad at her for that Arthur darling, it is just the kind of situation you tell to friends and loved ones.’’ Eames voice showed up out of nowhere, just as his arm as it wrapped itself around Arthur’s neck and showed the bag from the bakery. ‘’I bought you those éclairs you like so much.’’ Eames added and then kissed Arthur on his cheek.

Arthur moved his glare over to Eames, then snatched the bakery bag out of Eames grip and walked over to his desk in a fast pace. ‘’I hate you!’’ Arthur yelled out, then slammed the door to his office shut loudly behind himself. Eames just smirked after him, of course Arthur had demanded an office where he was on his own.

‘’Somebody really isn’t fond of saying they are in a relationship.’’ Saito hummed to himself and then went back to reading whatever he had in his hand. Yusuf returned to his desk, still having a childish snicker coming from him every now and then. And Ariadne, poor Ariadne stood there as if she had just created a world disaster.

‘’Don’t worry love, he’s just grumpy in the mornings. I’ll talk to him.’’ Eames hummed to her and stroked Ariadne’s arm as he walked past her. Eames opened the door and slipped inside, seeing that Arthur had already slid down in his chair and angrily started eating the éclair that Eames had bought for him.

‘’Léchez-le dehors cheri.’’ Eames then said which made Arthur nearly choke on the elcair he was eating, giving Eames a sour glare as a blush started creeping up on his cheeks.

‘’You shouldn’t take her side!’’ Arthur then said loudly and took the closest book on his desk in his hand. Then threw it right to Eames. Luckily for Eames, he found that Arthur always threw like a girl and this moment was no exception, the book missed him with 4 feet.

‘’And you shouldn’t overreact like that darling.’’ Eames said and sneaked behind him and wrapped his arms around Arthur’s body as he crouched over him. Not looking at the papers on his desk but on the éclair. ‘’I told you I was picking up on French, I just didn’t mention that it was only useful phrases, now let me repeat. Léchez-le dehors?’’ Eames said and pouted a little bit. Arthur just glared to Eames, and bad luck for him, since Eames could see how Arthur was resisting the urge to smirk.

Arthur looked back to the éclair, then parted his lips a bit so he could stick his tongue out, before he licked away some of the cream from the éclair. Eames just purred a bit in delight and kissed Arthur in his neck.

‘’We need to share a dream where I’m a woman and you’re blowing me just like that.’’ Eames hummed to Arthur before nipping in his ear. ‘’Now, do you want to hear some more French darling?’’ Eames shifted his hands, letting one hand slide down Arthur’s chest and then to his pants, working on unbuttoning them so he could slide his hand inside.

‘’Eames, we have to work.’’ Arthur said and took another bite of the éclair before hitting Eames lightly on his head which had him snicker out some.

‘’Non, nous ne devons pas travailler.’’ Eames said, nipping at the skin in Arthur’s neck, which made him sigh some before he shifted so he could look at him.

‘’Mr. Eames, do you know French?’’ Arthur asked him then and put the file back in his lap, feet up the desk and pushed the remains of the éclair in his mouth.

‘’No, I only learned useful phrases, and somehow I had a hunch that saying we have no work, would be useful against you.’’ Eames said and kissed Arthur on his lips, this time, he wouldn’t let the point man get away with another word.

Note: 1. Once more my apoligies for being such a spammer
2. Ecláir is probably one of the best things to eat for breakfast, ever... google it.
3. Thanks to JGL for teaching me the beautiful sentence ''Je veux tu baiser''

Dictionary for non translated stuff:

Léchez-le dehors - Lick it out


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