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Comments 27

mariko_azrael February 9 2009, 16:42:59 UTC
But don't you see, Shuri? They're just putting in the romance that PR so desperately lacks these days! Don't you remember how epic Tommy/Kimberly was? PR had SO much hugging and kissing back then, what action scenes? And it's not like boy shows that sell toys try to avoid romance or anything. And what girl wouldn't want the Bad Boy? Every girl in the world wants romance and Sexy Men, after all! /sarcasm, obviously

And I'm pretty sure the slashers are already writing Ziggy/Dillon, which as two-faced as it is, I am not nearly as annoyed with. =P (to be fair, Dillon spends more time in the trailer than say, Summer)

*uses her icon that has a couple that DO hug a lot on PR, and yet no one ships them but me, sigh, for irony's sake*


shurimon February 9 2009, 17:50:46 UTC
OMG yes! There TOTALLY needs to be more declarations of twu wub and fluff and awkward dates and shy kisses! MORE ALMOS ALWAYS AWKWARD AND SHOEHORNED-IN ROMANCE, LESS AWESOME HUMOR AND FIGHT SEQUENCES, I SAY.

I... am ashamed to admit I already ship Ziggy/Dillon in the same way I shipped Hanto/Gunpei at the beginning of Go-Onger. I am just such a filthy slasher like that.


mariko_azrael February 9 2009, 22:41:15 UTC
I... am ashamed to admit I already ship Ziggy/Dillon in the same way I shipped Hanto/Gunpei at the beginning of Go-Onger. I am just such a filthy slasher like that.

Ha, so am I. D: In our defense, Hant/Gunpei was billed as a sub-pair- can't have one without the other- and they seem to be doing that with a lesser extent with Ziggy/Dillon. /justification


shurimon February 10 2009, 03:15:20 UTC
Yes! I mean, they can't just shove them together again and again and expect people to NOT slash them! WHY DO THEY TEMPT US SO?!


ruinrunner82 February 9 2009, 16:44:51 UTC
ITA, Susan was cute, bumbling, and klutsy the first season, and it's gone tumbling downhill since then. She needs better storylines. I'm sensing something close to disaster with the school job, but I will remain hopeful for her.

And Bree has lost her sympathy for her friends. I remember something similar to the Lynette check storyline in the first season, when Carlos and Gabby were having financial troubles. It was one of my favorite moments of DH and she seems to have lost that, which makes me sad.

And Dave must die now. He hurt Tom.


shurimon February 9 2009, 17:59:44 UTC
I'm sensing disaster for the school job, as well. She'll find some way to screw it up, either for herself or for MJ, I'm sure.

I hate that Bree's lost her more human side. I guess when she's famous and has everything she wanted and more, though, it makes her distant from the others and harder to relate to them. Combining that with her perfectionism and... yup, disaster.

YES. DAVE MUST DIE. >( And knowing DH? He will!


impactbomb February 9 2009, 17:46:02 UTC

... that's kind of amazing.

(That's the same kind of amazing as GO-ONGER's naming, even. I feel this bodes interestingly for his character, esp. if the series really is trending darker for the first half.)


shurimon February 9 2009, 18:01:07 UTC
Ziggy. Oh yes. That, IMO, is the best name for a Ranger since Bridge. And I agree, having an unusual name like that means it's a safe bet that he'll be an interesting character.


impactbomb February 9 2009, 18:11:43 UTC
I see I am not the only one already shipping Ziggy/Dillon because of shipping Hanto/Gunpei. *eyes you*

I'm intrigued. Cautiously. The fandom, however, I think I def. don't want to touch. Oh god.


shurimon February 9 2009, 18:17:06 UTC

Oh, of course the fandom doesn't like it. Power Rangers fans hate Power Rangers the way Star Wars fans hate Star Wars, except they take it to an extreme. I stay away from most fandom hangouts except when I have to drag myself to them when compiling for the spandex_report.


radio_clash February 9 2009, 17:49:29 UTC
I could hear the frantic keysmashing of the Summer/Dillon fans, being born into life as I watched the trailer as well. :P

I kind of started to like it the more I watched the trailer. I promise not to hate because it isn't Go-Onger. :)


shurimon February 9 2009, 18:03:29 UTC
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on FF.net over the next few days.

Blegh. I love Go-On a whole lot, but I'm giving this a chance. It'll be nice to actually have a series that doesn't appear to essentially copy Sentai's storyline or at the very least heavily borrow from it- we haven't had that in years.


radio_clash February 9 2009, 18:17:14 UTC
Yeah it is, Lost Galaxy is one of my favorite seasons, and it isn't anything like it's counterpart.


shurimon February 9 2009, 18:19:16 UTC
Yup. I love Power Rangers in Space, it's my second-favorite season next to S.P.D., and from what little I've seen of Megaranger (and read) they're nothing alike. It's nice to be able to watch and episode without thinking "I've seen this before..."


terrierlee February 9 2009, 19:31:34 UTC
I'm still waiting for the Scott/Dillon fans >>;

There's nothing wrong with keeping your slash goggles on 8D This coming from the person who sees slash in American Kamen Rider.

You know, RPM isn't Go-onger, so as much as I love Go-on, I won't whine and bitch and moan about how they changed it. I'm not a crazy fan! x:


shurimon February 9 2009, 20:59:22 UTC
Yeah, Power Ranger is not, has never been, and never will be Sentai. Why don't people just accept that? :/


terrierlee February 9 2009, 22:09:47 UTC
Ah, humans can't handle any sort of change.


arionhunter February 9 2009, 23:19:27 UTC
Because it's mine and you people can't have it.

No, really. I think so much of fandom bitchiness in multi-canon fandoms comes from petty possessiveness, wherein one creates a unique experience within their own fannish context. Which is fine until aformentioned fan then tries to deny the validity of another's experience because it invalidates Fan's "identity" (in reality, their own perceived special snowflakeness).

Which gets into the problems of fannish culture in general and soon I'm going to start referencing Roger Ebert's review of Fanboys and I need to stop now before this becomes an LJ entry. (EDIT: Okay, so I kind of did make it an LJ entry. Also, re: deconcentrate's point about comics, I really think the unhealthy need to possess is an endemic problem of extremely consumable but "static" brand fandoms, like PR and comics.)

(Whoa, that was a lot of abstracts.)


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