Dec 31, 2007 00:13

This started out as a fandomhigh-related post about how I'm going to play Sky, but as things tend to do inside my head, it blossomed into something a LOT bigger. So bear with me, this will have a point.

TILDIR musings on Sky. )

sky, fandom meta

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Comments 8

mpoetess December 31 2007, 06:45:04 UTC

Sky really seriously isn't a jerk. *has just rewatched the pilot this week* Misogynistic and overconfident in that special Disney Hero-with-lessons-to-learn way, yeah, but not deliberately mean about it.

And it's definitely possible to play down certain aspects of a character by focusing him into situations where they don't get called on as much. Xander, in all honesty, can be a right bitch at times in canon. I don't particularly like overplaying his tendency to be an asshole when he's feeling defensive, so I've tried to steer him away from that with most other characters, and/or toss life-lessons in his face that force him to notice what he's doing and cut that shit out.


shurimon December 31 2007, 20:08:51 UTC
Misogynistic and overconfident in that special Disney Hero-with-lessons-to-learn way, yeah, but not deliberately mean about it.

Oh, definitely. Sky considers himself to be so much more mature than the others, but at the beginning he does have a lot to learn about friendship, too. Disney Hero with lessons to learn is a great way to put it. He for the most part doesn't go out of his way to be mean to folks, except maybe Jack, and even then, when he gets yelled at and called on it he stops doing it pretty fast. A lot of his animosity toward Jack is due to Sky's own insecurity, too- watching Jack become Red over him had to sting and make him feel like he'd failed, and he unfairly used that to antagonize Jack for a while.

I don't particularly like overplaying his tendency to be an asshole when he's feeling defensive, so I've tried to steer him away from that with most other characters, and/or toss life-lessons in his face that force him to notice what he's doing and cut that shit out.See, this is why I'm going to encourage the others to ( ... )


windchaserc December 31 2007, 07:55:49 UTC
Well, I'm glad you're feeling a little better about playing the part. I've loved figuring out what makes Sky tick from the beginning, so maybe I'm a bit biased ( ... )


shurimon December 31 2007, 20:20:13 UTC
He just thought he was better than the other cadets, and according to test scores and performance evals, he technically was. He worked hard to get where he was, but his underdeveloped social skills cost him. And I bet he wasn't even aware of his shortcoming. Who the heck needs social graces when you're bringing in the worst criminals in the galaxy?Yeah, in an environment like that, where obedience to one's superiors is expected and valued, and he got to be where he was through devotion to SPD and what it stood for, it may have gotten him to be a Ranger but it also didn't teach him much about getting along and playing nicely with the other kids. His one, all-consuming goal was to be the Red Ranger, and that made him lose sight of developing interpersonal skills to some degree. He did whatever he could to become a Ranger, but once he got there, and Jack and Z were brought in, his usual methods of coping with other people- dealing with them as teammates and professionals- suddenly didn't work as well as it did in the past. He had to ( ... )


sadlikeknives December 31 2007, 08:22:18 UTC
I wouldn't say Sky's so much been an ass as that he really rubs Z the wrong way. Z kind of has it harder in this version than in canon, in that she doesn't have Jack around for support and brotherliness, so she's a little more sensitive.

Or, in FH parlance, "You poke her and emo comes out!" We're...kind of bizarre.

One of the things that's always struck me about Sky is that he's frakking huge. I used to have links to two screencaps I found while I was doing my mad hunt for things to make into Z icons, one from I don't know when and the other from the end of the finale. Both had been cropped so that Z was in the frame but only the shoulder of the red Ranger she's standing next to was, and the demonstrated size difference between Jack and Sky was kind of staggering.

Anyway, Sky's this huge guy and he like, never uses his size. He doesn't try to make himself smaller or anything, but if he really wanted to be a jackass, he could completely physically dominate everybody around him with the exception of Cruger. I think he's ( ... )


lttledvl_writes December 31 2007, 12:02:51 UTC
I'm butting in if you don't mind. ;)

I like your thoughts on Sky's physical attributes; and you're so right. On the surface, with his high marks, physcial capability and over-achiever drive, he could've all too easily fallen into the category of asshole jock.

You know the ones, the guys who like to flush geeks in toilets, give wedgies to freshmen and run over kids during try-outs. He so could've been the guy to push Bridge around on a regular basis; as you said he's so much bigger, and although Bridge does well fighting, at the beginning of the series it's easy to see that Sky is the much better fighter. I have no doubts that he could easily wipe the floor using Bridge as a mop if he wanted to.

But he didn't do that. Sure, he thought Bridge was odd and got annoyed with him, but instead of calling him names or pushing over, he usually just rolled his eys and moved on.

And I agree with the bits on your take of Wootox. Hadn't really thought of that much before myself. Thanks for letting me drop in on ya! :)


shurimon December 31 2007, 21:29:14 UTC
But he didn't do that. Sure, he thought Bridge was odd and got annoyed with him, but instead of calling him names or pushing over, he usually just rolled his eys and moved on.And that's one of the reasons I 'ship Bridge/Sky, because you're right, he could've picked on Bridge and made Bridge be afraid of him, but he chose to be friends with him instead. He is short with Bridge on occasion, yeah, and sometimes makes him feel like crap when teasing him, but for the most part they're not two guys you'd expect to be such good friends. Sky cares about his little buddy a lot, especially more toward the end of the series- "Missing" is one of my favorite episodes for this reason. Sky's very clearly agitated the whole time, like when he, Sam and the girls go to talk to Piggy- he paces in the background, nervously fiddles with things, and is uncharacteristically quiet ( ... )


shurimon December 31 2007, 21:22:20 UTC
I wouldn't say Sky's so much been an ass as that he really rubs Z the wrong way. Z kind of has it harder in this version than in canon, in that she doesn't have Jack around for support and brotherliness, so she's a little more sensitive.

Gotcha. Yeah, not having Jack around would do that to her- Z adapted to life at SPD pretty easily, but not having Jack around would probably make it a lot harder for her, especially if he was in a bitty confinement card and not just in a jail cell for a few hours before changing his mind. *g* Indeed, knowing that Jack was likely going to be there anyway was probably a big booster for her.

Anyway, Sky's this huge guy and he like, never uses his size. He doesn't try to make himself smaller or anything, but if he really wanted to be a jackass, he could completely physically dominate everybody around him with the exception of Cruger.Oh, definitely. Sky's is a big fella- 6 feet tall or more easily. I have a few pics of all of the Rangers standing together, and Sky is at least 3-4 inches taller than ( ... )


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