[Hetalia] "Fall Leaves"

Sep 18, 2011 12:16

All are posted to fandomwords100


Title: "Fall Leaves"
Author: shuriken7
Claim: America
Character(s): America/England
Table/Prompt: Time/11. Fall/Autumn @ hetachallenge; Search, Used, Tone, Winter, Time @ 50ficlets
Word Count: 500
Rating: G
Summary: America and England spend quiet autumn days.


England was starting to get annoyed, he had been expecting a quiet autumn evening, not an evening surrounded by screaming teenagers in a corn field. The night was windy and the harvest moon was shining brightly overhead creating an eery feeling inside the corn maze. England had somehow managed to get separated and was now wandering aimlessly hoping he’d either find the other or find his way out. He finally turned a corner and felt his heart almost leap out of his chest as America was there, smiling at him nervously.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let the ghosts get you.”


The bright colors of the leaves created a beautiful backdrop for the day. He had to smile at the effort America had put into the afternoon, even finding some used tea cups that weren’t cracked and attempting to make tea for him. He could tell the tablecloth had been used before, since there were stains evident on it from some barbecue in the past, but he didn’t mind. It was peaceful here in the backyard, even if America was insisting on making a leaf pile and jumping into it at the moment. He sipped his tea, quietly, and was content.


England hoped that the freezing mud that was soaking into his pant leg was not going to set the tone for the day. He would have much rather been inside, not mucking through a pumpkin patch on a windy, autumn day. He couldn’t remember how he agreed to this, no wait, America had given him the face that always managed to make him give in. He sighed and followed after his boyfriend, might as well get into it, he began looking for a pumpkin.

“Look Arthur! I found one for you! It looks grumpy!”

“Hey!” he yelled and America laughed.


The chill was beginning to enter the air, signaling the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. England clutched his apple cider and snuggled deeper into the blanket in front of the fire. He smiled, as he listened to America’s soft breathing. The younger man had fallen asleep about a half hour ago, his empty cup tipping onto the floor and rolling away. England had considered getting up to get it, but decided not to. He could get it at a later time, a time when he wasn’t so comfortable, wrapped in the arms of the one he loved.


It was a comfortable moment in time, it almost felt domestic. England could close his eyes and pretend they were humans, humans that could stay together always and never fear about being torn apart for political reasons. He watched as some of the autumn leaves drifted down from the trees on the slightly windy day, he leaned over and rested his head on his companion’s shoulder, grateful that he had this break to spend with him. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed it, especially when the other snuggled back against him. He was grateful for the time they had.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, hetachallenge, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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