[Hetalia] 4 USUK Drabbles

Sep 18, 2011 22:48

Author: shuriken7
Claim: America/England
Fandom: Hetalia
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia


Title: "Minor Pain"
Prompt: 50. Papercut @ 50ficlets, Electricity @ drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: England gets a papercut.


“What happened?”

“Nothing, just a papercut.” England replied, reaching up to put the aching digit in his mouth, but America stopped him, grabbing his hand. He didn’t say anything, just held it there as though he hadn’t realized what he had done. “America, what...?”

He watched as the younger man turned a delicate shade of pink and brought his finger to his mouth. England felt electricity run up his arm from the contact. America held him firmly, and England couldn’t break his grip.

“A kiss to make it better,” the American smiled and England melted a just a little.


Title: "Fear"
Prompt: 25. Prey @ 50ficlets, Nightmares @ drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: England has a nightmare.

England ran, not sure where he was going or what exactly was chasing him. It could have been an animal or any of the countless enemies he had gained over the years. He kept running, fleeing faster and faster before he became prey to his pursuer. He tripped and he felt it grab him.

He shot straight up in bed, clutching at the blankets. He thrashed as he felt something grab him again, before realizing who it was. These arms were holding him gently and lovingly.

America pressed his lips against his hair as he whispered, “It’s okay, I’m here.”


Title: "Complaints"
Prompt: 45. Bitch @ 50ficlets, Dancing in the Dark @ drabble123
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: England tries to teach America to dance.

“America! If you step on me one more time, you are going to lose your vital regions!”

“Sorry Your Majesty,” he replied sarcastically, “But I honestly can’t see what I’m doing!”

“So you’re trying to say this is my fault!” England huffed, as he once again tried to get America to waltz in the proper fashion. This time America tripped him up, England suspected on purpose, and they both toppled onto the bed.

“I think I like this kind of dancing better.” he said, pulling him into a kiss. England was forced to agree.


Title: "Before"
Prompt: 20. Past @ 50ficlets, No more lonely nights @ drabble123
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: England knows last night was the last lonely night.

In this moment, England never wanted to look into the past again. He didn’t want to have to see anymore lonely nights, those days were gone. He snuggled closer into the other country next to him, next to the person he had loved, lost and loved again. He felt the soft skin beneath his fingertips and enjoyed the way the other reacted to his touch. His lips trailed up after his fingertips. He enjoyed the soft sounds of pleasure the other made and knew that they were for him, only for him. Last night was his last cold, lonely night.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, drabble123, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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