[Hetalia] "Trespass Sweetly Urged"

Jul 14, 2011 22:26

Written for the prompt Theater at the usxuk Summer Camp Challenge


Title: "Trespass Sweetly Urged"
Author: shuriken7
Claim: Hetalia: America/England
Table: Emotions
Word Count: 1000
Prompt: Jealousy @ 10_hurt_comfort
Rating: PG
Summary: Gakuen AU. Arthur has decided to recreate Shakespearian theater and Alfred can't take it seriously.
Warnings: Slash. Hetalia deals with the personifications of nation-states. Some fics many be historical in nature and others will be examining them as just people.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

Arthur was fidgeting slightly at the edge of the stage as he watched the other two rehearse. Why had he suggested a recreation of Shakespearian theater complete with all the roles being played by boys for the summer festival? He sighed, wishing he had tried out for a part now instead of acting as the director. He shifted from foot to foot watching the script as his friends Alfred and Kiku acted out the roles of Romeo and Juliet on the makeshift stage they had all worked hard to create a few days before. Arthur had chosen the iconic play so that his fellow classmates would not be confused by the more complicated nuances of other Shakespearean literature.

They had the dance steps down now, they weren’t tripping over each other. Well, it was more Alfred tripped over Kiku, but both had gotten over it. Alfred had goofed off quite a bit in the beginning of rehearsals, especially since his best friend was playing opposite him. Eventually, Kiku had gotten him to take it a little more seriously and the rehearsal had been going smoothly.

He couldn’t help but feel jealous of Kiku’s position as Juliet. He could feel the envy twisting in his gut as he watched them interact. Even when it was not in the romantic scene of Shakespeare’s greatest love story, even when it was just hanging around the halls or sitting together at lunch. Arthur felt isolated from the energetic boy, and all he wanted was to be closer. He had secretly hoped all these weeks of getting set up for the play and practice would make them closer. He had not yet had any luck.

Arthur began to blush slightly as Alfred and Kiku rehearsed the kiss, both laughing after the first rehearsal of the gesture. Arthur’s blushed turned from embarrassed to slightly infuriated.

“Will you two please take this seriously!” he yelled, stomping across the stage. He put his hands on his hips and furrowed his brow trying to look as intimidating as possible at his height. Kiku looked apologetic, while Alfred just grinned at him.

“Seriously, Artie? It’s too freakin’ funny! These people barely know each other!”

“It’s love at first sight, you dolt! Why is this so hard for you to understand!” He grabbed the script from him and whacked it on his chest. “Do it with me, apparently I need to show you how it is done!” He lined up with him to do the dance scene from the beginning. Alfred raised an eyebrow at him for a moment, but pressed his hand up against his quickly enough. Alfred looked right into his eyes and it made Arthur’s stomach flutter. He had had a crush on him for a long time, and had never been able to admit it, even to himself. He was so absorbed in those bright blue eyes that he didn’t notice that Kiku left the stage, a knowing smile on his face.

Arthur spoke his lines, Alfred responding as they moved through the steps seamlessly. Each of those words spoken seemed to echo in Arthur’s ears and he wished that such beautiful prose was meant for him. He knew that they were meant for a fictional girl imagined hundreds of years ago, but it sounded sweet in his ears and he lost himself in the idea that Alfred was actually speaking the words to him. His heart fluttered again as Alfred leaned in for the scripted kiss. He met him halfway, as eager as Juliet must have been as her own handsome boy leaned into her. A spark went through his body as their lips met.

The script called for a brief kiss, but neither pulled away, their mouths frozen against each other. Arthur knew he must be blushing fiercely now, but he was determined to not stop. He had been thinking of this moment ever since Alfred first spoke to him. The moment seemed to last forever, until Alfred began to move his lips against his. The little script book slipped from between his fingers as his hand found it’s way to the other boy’s cheek, moving his own lips against his. Emotions rushed through him, as he wondered if this was really happening or if he would once again wake up in his own bed, alone.

He was jolted back to reality as he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders pulling him closer, as Alfred pressed his tongue against his lips, seeking an entrance to deepen the kiss. Arthur gave it to him, the contact jolting all the way through his body. He had never been kissed like this before. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy’s neck and clung to him, the kiss making him lightheaded.

He didn’t know how long they stood like that, pressed together, but Arthur felt a loss as Alfred stepped away from him. He grinned at him, and Arthur felt his heart doing jumping jacks in his chest.

“Your line.” Alfred said, his voice a little husky.

“Then have my lips the sin that they have took.” he replied, whispering, not sure of his own voice. Alfred’s grin grew even wider.

“Sin from they lips? Oh trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” He leaned back into Arthur, placing a hand behind his head to press into the kiss. Arthur was flushing fiercely as he kissed back, still unbelieving that the move had finally been made, their dancing around each other had ended. Alfred pulled back one last time, smiling down at him.

“You kiss by the book...” Arthur whispered, his cheeks flushed thoroughly pink.

“Duh!” Alfred replied. Arthur flushed in upset again.

“Idiot! You’ve completely ruined the mood!” Alfred laughed and threw an arm around his shoulders.

“Let’s go get some ice cream!”


“C’mon it’s a date!” he replied, scooting him off the stage and into the direction of the nearest ice cream shop. Arthur had been too shocked to protest any further.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 10 hurt/comfort, character: america, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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