[Dissidia] 2 ficlets: "Curse" and "Blessing"

Apr 17, 2011 23:04

[Gah! I am having the worst writer's block! That and I think I'm going to go crazy with the amount of assignments and quizzes/exams I have coming up for the next three weeks... grrrr... Anyway, these were an attempt to de-stress, I apologize if there are grammer/punctuation mistakes or if they don't make sense... my mind is not functioning well right now...]

Title: "Curse"
Claim: General Series
Prompt: 1. Curse, Table One
Fandom: Dissidia Final Fantasy
Rating: G
Word Count: 166
Summary: Even if his curse was to be there, it did not mean he could not have fun.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dissidia Final Fantasy

It must have been fate for him to be here, trapped in an endless cycle of warfare. It seemed a fitting place for him to arrive at, although his memories were fuzzy. His entire life had been nothing but war, nothing but life inside some kind of army. Perhaps, at one point he was a hero. However, he remembers the pride that once gave him was tarnished somehow.

There was fire and pain. There was being locked away. That was all he could recall from his life before this place, before this broken world with its warriors of darkness and warriors of light. One particular warrior of light made the monotony of this place that much more interesting. He remembered the spiky haired brat from his other world. Cloud remembered him too, it was a delightful diversion to see what expressions he could put on the false SOLDIER’s face.

If he was cursed enough to remain in this place, he may as well have some fun.

Title: "Blessing"
Claim: General Series
Prompt: 2. Blessing
Fandom: Dissidia Final Fantasy
Rating: G
Word Count: 549
Summary: Something is wrong with Yuna, and Tifa wants to find out what it is.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dissidia Final Fantasy

Tifa sighed as she looked at Yuna as the group sat resting after another bout of fighting with the mannequins. The men, plus Lightning, were off setting up camp. The girl was sitting away from the group, she sat gazing into the sunset. Something had happened, Tifa’s feminine intuition told her so. Jecht had not been his usual boisterous self either. Tifa was determined to find out what it was. She got up from her seat and moved to sit next to the modest girl, punching her lightly in the shoulder. Yuna looked up, surprised.

“Hey, why the sad face?” she asked. Yuna looked away from her, turning her eyes to the ground and fiddling with her skirt. She would smooth the fabric across her legs, tuck it under here and there. When she moved to fiddling with her hair in order to avoid the question, Tifa pushed her slightly, ruffling the other girl further, “C’mon just tell me, it can be between us girls.”

“What about Light?”

“Does she really count?” Yuna laughed at that. Tifa ruffled her hair affectionately. She wondered if she had a sister back home. It would have been nice to be a big sister.

“I met him. Tidus. He’s here too.” she said quietly as the laughter subsided. Her brief smile was bittersweet as she went back to nervously fixing her skirts. Tifa did not know what to say. When the younger girl was satisfied with the arrangement of her clothing she looked out into the distance, into the sunset.

“The boy that you love?”

“Yes, he and I journeyed together to defeat Sin. He saved me, more times than I can count. I thought I would never see him again. Yet, when I was separated from Sir Jecht, I whistled, and like he had promised, he came. The only thing is... he doesn’t remember me... and he’s a warrior of Chaos...”

Tifa felt as though a hand had wrapped around her heart, squeezing it slightly. She thought of a the few glances she had caught of spiky, yellow hair and a handsome, serious face. It was a face that she knew, he came from the same world as her. However, unlike Yuna she did not quite remember him. All she could tell of Cloud, was that he was someone important to her in their world. She never really crossed paths with him, so she did not know if he even remembered her at all.

“Yuna, I’m so sorry.”

The girl stood suddenly, determined look on her face. “I’ll just have to keep fighting, perhaps he will remember me soon!” she said, confidently. It was so very Yuna, optimistic to the bitter end, even when the boy she loved could not remember her and was fighting for their enemy.

Tifa smiled, “Yeah, sound like a plan.” The younger girl smiled at her and wandered off. Tifa sighed, standing up herself and brushing the dust off her skirt. She tried to will the thought of a blonde haired swordsman.

“Hey, maybe its a blessing,” she said to herself, “If I don’t run into him, I won’t have to know if he remembers me or not. I just need to keep fighting so that I can go home and I can figure this all out.”

fandom: dissidia final fantasy, 50ficlets, character: tifa, character: yuna, character: sephiroth

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