[5 Prompts][Hetalia OC] "Statehood" WyomingxColorado

Jan 19, 2011 11:26

Title: "Statehood"
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairing: OCxOC (state-tans, WyomingxColorado)
Prompt: Table # 19, # 3
Words: 1050
Rating: PG
Warnings: Original Characters. Me playing with the idea of if the states were done in the way nations are in Hetalia.
Summary: At the celebration of his becoming a state, Wyoming asks something bold of Colorado.

Wyoming was proud of himself, it was finally his day. It was in the middle of summer, July 10 of 1890. He was being admitted to the Union, at last. His people were so excited that they were finally being recognized despite their small population. Earlier today he had shaken America’s hand and received formal recognition of his statehood.

The party being held by his brothers and sisters was fitting for the wild west. His siblings had been generous in the gifts of food and they could probably fill all the rivers in the state with the amount of alcohol they had brought. Wyoming received so many congratulations, celebratory toasts, and pats on the back that he was starting to forget which of his siblings had spoken to him last. The celebration had become a blur of colors, a cacophony of music, and a confusion of voices. None of the chaos was helped by the beer he had been drinking. He was also not used to having so many people in his home. He needed air.

Wyoming vaguely remembered stumbling out to the location he was at now. His feet had unconsciously taken him to this place, to the outskirts of town, to the cusp of the wilderness that was as much a part of him and his people as civilization was. He didn’t remember lying down on the cool granite rock, but he could feel the cold hardness through his clothing. The night had chilled the stone to an almost uncomfortable coolness.

“I should have brought a jacket.” he whispered to the endless starry sky that stretched out above him. As soon as the words left his mouth the countless stars were obscured by a thick lump of wool cloth unceremoniously dumped on his head. He reached up pulling the rough fabric off his face and began shoving his arms through the sleeves of his coat while observing his new companion in the starlight. He had been looking for her all evening, but she had always seem to flit out of his sight as soon as he lay eyes upon her.

Her skin shone brightly in the gray light. His eyes traced her profile from the kind face, the messy braid, the buffalo skin she had thrown over her shoulders. Her gaze was drawn into the distance and he followed the path of her sight. He admired his lands, they truly were beautiful. As much as it annoyed him, he could see why people on the east coast coveted parts of his landscape. He had been having to deal with New York’s comments all night. He sighed, eyes wandering over hills and grasslands, off towards the distant mountains. Now it all officially belonged to him, no one could take it away from him.

“Are you happy now?” she asked. He turned towards the state next to him, their eyes meeting despite the darkness. “This is what you’ve been waiting for right? To be a state? I’m proud of you.” She smiled.

Wyoming paused, trying to weigh his words. “I’ve been waiting to be your equal.” He reached our for her, fingers dusting her cheek. She reached up her fingertips to touch the back of his hand.

“We are equals now.”

“And that makes me happy.”

“You’re a liar.”

“Why would I lie?”

“I don’t know, but I see it in your eyes. You’ve never been good at lying to me.” Wyoming felt a rush of an emotion he couldn’t place as he looked deeper into her eyes. Perhaps it was the liquor or simply the emotional elation he felt at finally becoming a state, but Wyoming was feeling bold. he shifted closer to her until their shoulders were touching. He could feel the bristly hairs of the buffalo skin on his hand as he placed it at the small of her back. She didn’t move, her eyes stayed locked on his.

“You know what would really make me happy Colorado?”

“What?” She asked a smile spreading across her face. Wyoming knew that look, it was the one she wore when she was daring him to do something. That gaze made him even bolder.

“A kiss from you.” In the moonlight he could see her face darken in a flush.

“I think statehood has gone to your head.”

“It seems so, do I have you flustered, Miss Colorado?” He leaned closer to her, he could feel her breath on his lips. She smelled of columbines and mountain streams. He could feel the heat of her flush on his face and it made him feel warm.

“Well, if the new and improved State of Wyoming hasn’t become bold.” He felt himself flush as the last few words caused her lips to brush against his. She kissed him softly. It was everything he had ever hoped for, they were equals. He could kiss her back, and he did pressing his mouth against hers, tasting her lips. She tasted like dust and sunlight, with a trace of the beer her people were so fond of brewing. She opened her mouth beneath his probing kiss and he was able to deepen the kiss, exploring the surfaces of her mouth. He wrapped his arms around Colorado, pulling her close to his chest. He felt her arms come up to wrap around him, her fingers clutching at the fabric of his coat.

As the kiss ended they looked into each other’s eyes, ageless, colorless in the gray starlight. There were so many words he wanted to stay, and none of them would come out of his mouth. He could do nothing but watch his flushed companion try to catch her breath and perhaps search for her own words. Wyoming was spared from saying anything, as Montana came noisily up the hill calling for them.

“Was wondering where you disappeared to, little bro. Oh, Colorado you are here too?”

“I was just going to be back.”

“Was I interrupting something?” he asked suggestively. Montana was pleased with the embarrassed reaction his statement elicited. Colorado and Wyoming gathered themselves up.

“You’re always interrupting.” Wyoming said as he brushed past him going back into the house. Colorado silently followed, giving a patient smile to her younger brother. Montana chuckled and followed the two of them back to the party.

hetalia: state-tans, character: colorado, 5_prompts, character: wyoming, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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